When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>I was accepted to Yale and am concerned about my second semester grades. For the first semester I got straight As but for third quarter most of those have dropped to B+. Will the overall decline in grades be a red flag?</p>

<p>Did you read the article?</p>



<p>You’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>My two main schools right now are Harvey Mudd and UC Berkeley. I got a job right at the beginning of 2nd semester in order to start saving money to help pay my way through school, as it’s going to be rough financially. Unfortunately, I have to work around 5 hours on 3 weeknights and every other Sunday.</p>

<p>Due to adjusting to working, my AP Calc BC grade has slipped from an A to a B, and while I’m doing my best to bring it back up, it’s not looking good. Am I paranoid to think that a slip like this will affect my chances to have my acceptance revoked? I’ve had straight A’s throughout high school and am worried about this drop a lot, but I need to keep the job in order to be able to afford school. :confused: I’m just worried considering my likely major is all about math, and that’s where the drop is because that’s where I lose the most time studying due to work.</p>

<p>Any opinions would be appreciated.</p>

<p>^ Please see my above post.</p>

<p>I was recently accepted to a university. I’m taking an online extension course that will not transfer when I matriculate; however, I’m withdrawing from the course. Should I be concerned about getting my offer rescinded?</p>

<p>I’m just curious, when is the latest a school can rescind? For example, once the deposit is payed can they not rescind (assuming you graduate)?</p>

<p>I am an international student and I got into CalTech and Harvard. My marks till finals were quite good. I was predicted 95 in three subjects and a 98 in one and a 90 in one subject coming to an above 94% avg. Now that my finals are over…I think I should get only ~83 or 84 avg with three subjects being ~80-85, and two subjects above 90…</p>

<p>I’m very worried, will my admission be revoked? Please reply.</p>


<p>Hi, I need some help, but it requires a little bit of a back story. I took honors Earth Science in 8th grade, but since I took it at a private school, it didn’t count towards my high school credits like it would if I took it at a public school. I don’t know why, and I didn’t even know about this until I was already taking far more advanced classes in high school. My counselor eventually came to the conclusion that in order for me to obtain an advanced diploma, I needed to take Earth Science or an AP science senior year. I could barely get a B in honors sciences, so I wasn’t comfortable taking AP. I chose to take Earth Science online because I could do it at my own pace, but that turned out to be a huge problem because I’ve been so busy all year with college apps, prescreening audition recordings, live auditions, AP classes, performances, the works. It showed up as an A on my mid-year report because I’ve done well on the work I HAVE done. However, it’s mid-April and I’m only about 25% finished. I don’t really mind at this point whether I get the advanced diploma or not. My guidance counselor told me that the only difference is that the sticker on my diploma will say “standard” instead, and there will likely be no negative consequences. I just want to make sure that if this class shows up as a withdrawn pass on my final transcript, my acceptance to my choice school won’t be rescinded because I altered my schedule. I’ve already e-mailed them about it, but I haven’t gotten a reply. Any input would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Just to add, I’m not going to have a science-related major in college. I’ll be obtaining a Bachelor of Music, in fact, so I’m hoping that it won’t matter at all whether or not I complete the course. I’ve already taken & completed honors bio, college prep chem, and college prep physics throughout high school, and got Bs in all of those.</p>

<p>I have a rather unique situation on my hands that I’d like to inquire about. My boyfriend was recently diagnosed with ADHD and depression during his last semester in high school and has been put on the proper medication. The problem is, he hates being on the meds. He says it takes a huge toll on his body and makes him suicidal when on it. After being on the meds for a day, his body will take a huge crash and he is unable to attend school the next day because of it. He’s averaging A’s on his tests because he’s exceptionally bright, however he’s failing right now because he’s missing so much schoolwork. His main concern at the moment is graduating and not getting rescinded. His psychiatrist says he should be fine in terms of not graduating/getting rescinded, however his school counselor has a different opinion and says he won’t be graduating if he doesn’t pull his grades up and will get rescinded at this rate. Could someone maybe share their opinion on this matter?</p>

<p>My opinion may be an unpopular one, but I’ve been there done that with the whole ADHD and medication thing. I personally would get off the meds as soon as possible. They help some people, but they screw over many others due to the side effects.</p>

<p>After the Jared Loughner incident in Tucson, schools are taking a stronger, pro-active stance on potentially dangerous (I’m NOT saying the poster is dangerous) mental health issues. There are some situations where, as a parent, I would rather err on the side of safety, even if it infringes on the personal choices of others.</p>

<p>I was recently admitted to UCSC for Fall 2011. I recently received a C+ in my Pre-Calculus as my second quarter grade in the Spring semester, but in the first quarter I received a B. I’m scared that it will affect my final semester grade in the class. Will it affect my admission status at UCSC?</p>

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>Im going to Bradley University next fall but I have a quick question. How often does a college revoke an admission offer? I didnt do to well first semester senior year(2.25…3’C’s, 1 B). However, this semester Im doing alot better, and will probably finish around a 3.4-3.6. Will my admission get revoked? Im just kind of curious. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!</p>

<p>bigmdig–Given that you’ve pulled up your grades this semester, you should be fine.</p>


<p>“and has been put on the proper medication” - no he has not. The side effects your boyfriend is experiencing are dangerous, these meds are NOT the proper meds for him.</p>

<p>Sally (and other parents that may be in a similar situation)</p>

<p>S’s counselor called his college and they didn’t seem to care about the college classes (see previous post). Since the classes were above and beyond the high school requirements necessary for admission they did not see it as an issue. They were concerned that he finish all prerequisite courses. They were also very concerned about his mental health and said he could take a semester or a year off before starting.</p>

<p>Wow–we are so pleased with the quality of this school! We feel they are giving him every opportunity to be successful and are making sure he is mentally ready to attend. It is very comforting to know that we do not have to push him and that if he is not 100% he still has options.</p>

<p>Lesson learned–if your S or D is in a similar situation call the schools before you make any decisions–find the one that is the most interested in what is best for your child, that is the best place for them.</p>

<p>luchteam–That sounds like a best-case-scenario outcome so far. Would you be willing to disclose the name of the college that has been so supportive? I can certainly understand why you might not want to mention any identifying details on such a public forum, but I’m sure that CC parents are always eager to know which colleges seem most concerned about their students’ best interests.</p>

<p>During my Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior years of high school, my grade for my math courses were generally a C-/C area. However, I have thought of the worst case scenario for this year (although I am trying very hard to ensure this does not happen) and was wondering if I received a D/D+ for the year in my math course, if this would be a significant change? Rutgers states that as long as there are no significant changes there wouldn’t be a chance of revoking. The other grades for my courses are better than my previous years, and my GPA will be around the same, if not better. </p>

<p>Called up admissions, the lady was like “Well it depends on the counselor, you might get re–wait, are you accepted?” after 5 minutes of conversation, then she went to talk to someone, said “you should be O.K. but it depends on the person”, which sort of struck me as a bit irritating, as I said the first thing that I was accepted, must’ve been a long day or something. I sent it to their admissions email, more or less the same thing.</p>

<p>GPA: 2.48
SAT: 1730</p>

<p>I generally got B’s, C’s, few low C’s (junior year), and 1 D in Chemistry (which they know about). I initially got rejected but appealed on the basis I did not provide medical information (disability) which got me admitted, though I am nervous now, I’m still trying so it’s not like I’m slacking off…but still.</p>


<p>Zaxara, Given that your GPA is as good or better than in the past and that you were admitted in spite of previous low C’s and D’s, I can’t see that your math grade will be a deal-breaker. But, depending on when your current semester ends, you might want to talk to the math teacher about what you can do to bring the grade up to at least a C-. You’re probably okay either way, but the C- would give you some peace of mind.</p>