When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@Sally_Rubenstone Good advice, I’ll reach out to an advisor. And start working on my case. Thanks

@Sally_Rubenstone Would you reccomend calling or sending an email? I want to ensure I’m heard and that they understand I care.

@Aeronautics19 -Start with an email today. If you don’t get a personalized response (i.e.,not a form letter) by Wednesday or Thursday next week, you can follow up with a phone call, alerting admission staff to your email. (Remember it’s a holiday weekend so email can pile up.)

In my own experience, I’ve found that email turnaround time can be hard to predict. Sometimes I’ve gotten prompt responses from huge public universities while admission officials at the smaller, supposedly more intimate private liberal arts colleges seem to drag their heels.

So don’t be surprised if you write today and hear nothing back by next Wednesday or Thursday, but just stay on top of this until you do eventually connect with someone who appears to be listening.

@Sally_Rubenstone The one other option that I have the luxury of being able to do, is that I live relatively close to the campus and could drive over to the admissions office. Would that be the better option of the three?

@Sally_Rubenstone Hey Sally, Im really worried if I would get rescind or not, I enrolled in a small college called Washington College. Currently I have a D+ in math and D+ in bible, but my other classes are A+, A-, C+ and a college course B. When I turned in my application my cumulative gpa was around 2.5, but with a 3.2 second semester of junior year. My overall grade will be higher than my cumulative gpa, but im worried about the two Ds. Plus, Im an international student. Thank you so much…

@alexmercer123 -With two D’s, you have good reason to be worried. Your cumulative GPA of 2.5 already put you near the bottom for Washington College’s admitted-student pool. You better write to your Washington College admission rep right away and try explain these grades. It’s common for students to fall behind in math if they miss even a couple days of school so perhaps that’s what happened to you. And some students who aren’t “Math People” always struggle in their math classes. So maybe you did work hard in that class but still couldn’t keep your head above water. As for Bible, that low grade sounds like slacking to me. But maybe the class was actually tough [???] or perhaps the teacher had certain religious views that s/he tried to foist on the students, and those who didn’t buy in got a bad grade [???]

Well, whatever happened, you should contact the college now and ask how to make amends (e.g., via a summer school class or starting the fall semester on academic probation). Don’t wait until the college officials see your grades–which may not be until July. Being proactive will send a message that you care, and that will help you keep your spot in the class.

Thank you so much for the reply @Sally_Rubenstone, I found out my bible grade isnt a D, it came out to be a C, but my math is still in D. You are right, my gpa is low for Washington College, but I think they accepted me more because I had 1360 on the new SAT and 98 on TOEFL and had 3.0 gpa for junior year. Plus i had really good teacher recommend and personal essay. The reason I have low in bible is because I cannot write something that I do not believe in, I just can’t fake religious opinion. And for the past four years I had low grades in math, so a D isnt a big change at all. I dont know what I said will make a difference…but what do you think now?

@alexmercer123 -Your C in Bible and other information does make your situation seem less bleak. Even so, I recommend that you give the Washington admission folks a heads-up on your math grade and explain that you did try hard but that math has never been your strength, as they can see from your transcript. You should be okay and not have your acceptance rescinded.

Will UC know if you have any academic dishonesty during community college after you transfer? Does probation or academic dishonesty or expellsion or suspension shows on transcript? Or would community college contact UC? Does UC care about those? Thank you

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi, Sally. I got admitted into U of California. Will UC know if I have any academic dishonesty during community college after I transfer? Does probation or academic dishonesty or expulsion or suspension shows on transcript? Or would community college contact UC about this? Would UC rescind my admission because of this? I got it after submitting my application. Thank you!

@Sally_Rubenstone I’ve been on this thread a few times, but I just took my finals. Worst case scenario is that I end up with: A+, A+, A, A, A, A, B, B-. I have had all A’s until this semester, where I basically discovered I didn’t understand calc/physics (B- in calc and a potential B up to a potential A- in physics). I’m going into global studies at the University of Chicago–will I be warned or rescinded? Thank you :slight_smile:

@oliverliew - A typical community college transcript indicates if the student has been involved in any disciplinary action. So you should get a copy of your final transcript to see what it says. UC might indeed rescind your acceptance if your transcript indicates that there has been a problem. So you would be wise to write a letter explaining what happened, what you learned from the experience, etc.

@futuremaroon0998 -I don’t foresee any problems for you in my crystal ball.

@Sally_Rubenstone Whatif my transcript doesn’t indicate such a disciplinary record. Do I still need to report it to UC? If I got rescinded this year, does it mean if I reapply next year, they wouldn’t accept me anymore? Thank you!

@Sally_Rubenstone I have been accepted into Washington University in St. Louis. I was always an A and B student. Mostly B’s. My second semester senior year, this semester, my final transcript with be all B’s and one C+. Am I in danger of being rescinded. My C+ is also in Spanish which is not a class that I need for the college or my major in the future.

I have also received a C before in my sophomore year for Precalculus and was still accepted despite that.

Hello @Sally_Rubenstone, I was just accepted into the University of Washington as a transfer student. My grades will end up being B,C,D for spring quarter. Is there a chance I will be rescinded. I was admitted directly into my major, in their letter, they said my acceptance was contingent on completing my pre requisite courses, which I have already done. Thank You in advance for your help!


What did your acceptance letter say? UC acceptances are usually conditional, based on satisfactory completion of the current school year. Did your acceptance letter ask you to report disciplinary violations? And did your counselor or professor tell you that this violation would be reported on your transcript or to your UC school?

@ssk579 -I don’t expect you to have any problems.

@seahawks.12-You MIGHT have a problem with that D. You should contact the college now to explain it rather than waiting to hear from them. If you act concerned, it will work in your favor, and you’ll probably be fine.