When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

If I get just one C in physics ( and the rest A’s and B’s), will that be alright? I plan on majoring in finance.

thank you so much for your advice!

I’m a current MA student, and I’ve gotten an acceptance (with funding/graduate assistantship) from one PhD program and a waitlisting from another. In my applications, I marked that I anticipated graduating in May (which was true); however, now it is looking unlikely, actually, that I’ll finish by May or even at all.

I think that there are ~some strong extenuating circumstances – largely (mental-)health related – for my struggles here that I don’t think would be an issue after a move to a new city, a new department, etc.; however, I wonder how likely it would be that the department would rescind the offer entirely, rescind funding, put me on academic probation in the first year, etc. Would asking the department directly this question be wise or a red flag?

Thanks in advance!

@frogs2022 -Again, I can’t say for sure how TCU will react to your drop in grades. If you get a C as well as some B’s and not straight A’s as in the past, you will probably be asked to explain but will not necessarily lose your place or your $$ if you can convince the admission folks that you were derailed by a family medical crisis and you weren’t merely slacking. Colleges really don’t like to rescind acceptances so will often give the benefit of the doubt in borderline cases.

@andiedralls -Obviously, if the admission committee at the university that accepted you expects that you will arrive in the fall having completed your Master’s, then you need to contact them to say that you will not finish in May as anticipated and would like to defer your enrollment for a year. You may get a response that asks you WHY you didn’t finish as expected or they may just say that’s fine. If the latter, you need not reveal any personal details. But if you don’t get the green light to defer, you will have to disclose the issues that have held you back … at least to some extent. You will want the admission committee to believe what you’ve said here (that a new city and new department will be important to you) and you don’t want to plant doubt that you will start the program and not finish it. Good luck!

I got into USC and would probably physically Die if I get rescinded so do you think one C in AP stats will get me rescinded?
I’m currently taking 5 AP classes with 2 As 3Bs and one potential C
I didn’t think I was going to get in so senioritis hit me HARD but now I’m terrified I messed up bad.

I’ve also got into USC. My first semester Senior year was all A’s, but I’m worried because I have a B in my Calc BC class. I recently bombed a chapter test and I’m scared of it dropping to a C

@stockphotohumor and @SKSword -USC will not rescind for one C. But multiple C’s–or a single D–will put you on thin ice. So keep that pedal to the metal for the rest of the school year!

Hi. I got admitted to UCLA and UC Berkeley (along with other UCs), but I am deathly afraid that I’m going to get rescinded. I got a D in my Calculus class (it was a class I was taking through dual enrollment at my local community college) in the Fall semester. I notified the UCs by email through the UC Application center on January 30th once I had the grade confirmed. Now since getting accepted to UCLA, I notified UCLA again through their portal of the grade. I will doing the same on the UC Berkeley portal through their optional update form soon. My reasoning for the poor grade was due to depression I suffered during my Fall semester due to the loss of a dear friend (among other possible problems). I have since seeked therapy to help take care of my mental health. I decided to not retake the class this semester because I though I couldn’t handle it (that may have been a mistake). This semester, I am poised to earn all A’s in my classes though. What are the chances of me being rescinded from UC Berkeley and UCLA? Is there anything you suggest that I do to improve my chances of not getting rescinded? Do I have a chance of appealing if I do? If it helps, my counselor wrote me a letter that I sent to my private colleges detailing the problems that I was facing. Would it help to add that letter to the UC Berkeley update form? Should I also get some kind of letter from my therapist? I kind of want to submit the update very soon so that I can get an answer back asap.

Hi!!! So I got admitted to UCSD (and other UC’s) and waitlisted at UCB and NYU (UCB is sort of requiring my senior year grades now). I only came to the US in late 2016 and finished my junior year strong (1AP class, all A’s besides 1B for Drama). In my second semester, I ended up with straight A’s (2AP’s, 1 Accelerated class, 1 college class). In my senior year 1st semester, I got 4B’s (3 in AP’s and 1 in a college class), 4A’s (1AP, 1 college class, 1 Accelerated Honors class, 1 regular course). I got B’s because my teachers are officially the hardest teachers - only 1 person got a scraping A in one of my AP class. Should I be worried that the UC’s will be angry at me (aka send an angry warning letter or just not give me other chances at all)?

@icametokill2o9 -UC’s do rescind for D’s but they also evaluate each situation individually. So it makes sense for you to add your counselor’s letter of support to the Berkeley and UCLA updates. The fact that you anticipate all A’s this semester will definitely work in your favor so your update should include this, too.

A letter from your therapist COULD be a plus as long as the letter doesn’t raise additional doubts about your ability to succeed at a highly competitive (and huge) university. Phrases like, “Continues to improve …” could actually work against you if they are ambiguous. So I think that a wiser plan would be to OFFER a letter from your therapist but only send it if it’s requested.

I think your chances of keeping your spots are good, but you can definitely appeal if do you find that your acceptances are rescinded … and THAT’s when support from your therapist might be most valuable.

@myfavoritepet -There’s nothing to worry about. You’re fine. :slight_smile:

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you for the advice! I will send the update asap then and update you. I hope it all works out.

@icametokill2o9 -Yes, please let me know how it works out. I am optimistic because of your good grades this semeser and your support from your counselor.

Hi, I am attending USC next year. I am little afraid that my application is going to be rescinded. I have always had As and one or two Bs. This semester I have 2 Bs in AP classes and one C (a 79 but could become lower unfortunately) in my grade level (non AP) calculus class. Do you think that I should be concerned?

@batgirl123 -As long as your grades don’t dip any lower, you should be okay,

Hi, I was admitted to UC Davis, but I am afraid that it will be revoked. I am pretty much an A & B student but this senior year, I have received a C- on the first-semester grade for AP calculus AB and I’m pretty sure I will receive a C- in the 2nd semester as well. Will this jeopardize my admission?

@ryan2k - You should be fine. UC’s do often rescind for D’s. But a C- will be considered a C so you’ll be safe.

Hi, I was admitted into UMD scholars and worst case scenario I may get a D for the second semester in AP Physics C. I already have all my science credits and my other grades are all A’s and B while taking 3 APs. Can this be of basis to be rescinded? My GPA for the first semester of senior year was a 3.6/4.

@potatoman628 -Colleges WILL rescind for a “D,” but each case is evaluated individually so you want to do everything you can at this point to avoid that “D” and–if you get it anyway–to be able to show the UMD admission folks that you weren’t slacking. So make sure that you …

  1. Attend all extra-help sessions and, if there aren't any, ask your teacher about getting individual assistance from him or her
  2. Enlist a tutor. Even if it's a peer tutor who is free and ultimately not that effective, at least you can prove to the admission officials that you were trying
  3. Keep a written record of all the measures you have taken to improve your grade (what you did and when you did it). You can present this to the admission officials if you end up with a "D."

Because admission officials realize that AP Physics C is a very rigorous class (one that many of them probably couldn’t pass themselves!), they will take this into consideration when they review your situation … if you get that “D.” But, ideally, you won’t. So talk to your teacher TODAY and explain that you will do everything in your power to land at least a C- . So ask exactly what you can do.

Good luck!

I currently have the TAG to UC Davis from a California Junior College and that got approved back in November. I am currently above the 3.3 GPA requirement for my Engineering agreement but not by too much (3.36). Theres a class I’m having issues with right now (Differential Equations), and it is part of the prerequisite classes for my major. That said, I still have time to withdraw from the class and at this point, probably think its best to do so. I have never withdrawn from a class before.

With the guarantee that I will be accepted to Davis (from what Im hearing it will probably be on Friday), what would the odds be of having my transfer offer revoked when I submit the W after I have been accepted?