When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@ParentPK–I think your son should be okay and that your best move is to do nothing unless he hears from Emory about this, which doesn’t seem likely to me.

Does your son attend a high school where he receives actual final grades in each class or do his IB exam scores serve as the final grades (which is common outside the US but not very common otherwise)? If your son DID receive grades and the grades were fine, then I see no reason to worry at all. If he did NOT receive grades and if his IB score represents a significant downturn from predicted scores that were sent to Emory, then he MIGHT hear from them. But I’m still betting he won’t, and I don’t see any reason for him to contact Emory first. I would only suggest this if he failed to receive the IB diploma due to very low test results, which is clearly not the case.

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone ,

Thanks for your quick response. He did get his IB results today and got his diploma (i.e. did not fail). The IB final scores are down from predicted (even though we don’t know his predicted as the schools don’t tell the students) - our guess is about 6 points and that is why the worry comes to mind. His school reports predicted grades for each subject and IB is the same way with consolidated score as 33 in his case.


@ParentPK -As I said before, I don’t anticipate any problems here. But you didn’t answer my earlier question: Did your son also receive an actual grade in each class as well (e.g, A, B, C or 98, 85, etc.)? If he did, and the grades didn’t drop significantly from past performance, he has nothing to worry about. The admission folks will pay more attention to his grades than to his IB exam results. But, even if he goes to a school that doesn’t give actual grades to IB students, I still see no problems on the horizon.

@sally_rubenstone I had a predicted of 32 in IB but I messed my boards bad and I ended up getting a 20 only. Will Florida State University rescind my acceptance?

@ganirudh -I don’t know how FSU will deal with this. With a 20, you will not receive an IB diploma. Did you receive final grades in your IB classes, too, or just the test scores? If you received grades as well, and if your grades are in roughly the same range as your grades when you applied, then you probably will be okay despite having earned only a 20 on the exams. Did your acceptance letter say anything specific about your IB results?

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone ,
Sorry if my reply wasn’t clear. He got 1 less in 4 subjects in the IB final grades compared to the mid year scores and for 2 subjects they remained same (IB, out of 7) that were submitted by his high school. His school reports mid year scores per subject. We suspect that the predicted was 2 higher than the actual mid year, but we don’t get to see those as school does not share with students. So, as cumulative score it was 33 for final and 37 for mid year. Hope that clarifies.

@ParentPK. Yes, thanks, I was just trying to find out if the school also gives actual final letter grades (A,B,C, etc.) or traditional numerical grades (100, 95, etc.) in addition to the IB scores. Apparently this school doesn’t. But no biggie; I still feel your son will be fine.


Hi Sally! I’ve been extremely stressed about my current situation and was wondering if you were able to provide some insight (hopefully it’ll give me a peace of mind).

I am an incoming freshman at San Jose State University and my current dilemma is whether or not I’ll get my official high school transcript in time. At the end of senior year, I was going through a lot in my personal life and had to deal with with alot of internal struggles (mentally/emotionally). In the midst of all of that, I was under the impression that my school would automatically send my transcript but soon realized that I had to go to the registrar myself to send my official transcript. However by the time I had realized that, I had already graduated so I paid for a service (NeedMyTranscript) to send my official transcript but after a couple of weeks had passed, my school still hasn’t received my transcript. I called the company’s customer service line only for it be disconnected and I googled the company only to find that numerous people have been “scammed” from them as well.

This is when I started to panic because SJSU has a hard deadline that all official transcripts must be postmarked by July 15th. It is the 7th and I still do not have my transcript. I called the school and found that I was able to order a transcript online, after I paid for that one, I got an automated email from the registrar stating that she was on vacation and would not be back until the 16th. I called SJSU admissions and told them my situation, they told me unfortunately they would not be able to extend the deadline however I could bring an unofficial transcript and explain my situation to my advisor at orientation (the 11th for me), and to mail in my official transcript ASAP.

I called my activities director as I was close with her and she helped me print my transcript through my online hs portal. She told me that the transcript would be official as long as I got an administrator’s signature and seal. I guess my biggest stress is that I won’t be able to find any administrators when I show up to school next week. I was told that I’d also be able to have the head of student services at my school district to sign my transcript but my fear of those administrators not being there is what gives me anxiety.

SJSU states that my acceptance will be rescinded if I do not have my transcript postmarked by the 15th, what is the likelihood of that and what can I do to not let it get to that point? What are my options if I am unable to get my official transcript in time? And what is the process of rescinding an acceptance?

I appreciate your incredible feedback and advice in advance and apologize for the lengthy post.

@tiffanyxhua -

You’ll be fine. You already have your unofficial transcript so–worse case scenario–you bring it to your advisor on the 11th and then follow up with a mailed version of the official one as soon as you can.

However, it’s likely that SOME administrator will be at your school on Monday (or by the end of the coming week) to sign and seal your transcript. If not, you can also call your school district’s headquarters (if you attend a public school) to see if anyone there can do it.

But if you strike out at school all week (unlikely) and at the district headquarters, too, you should still be fine when you take your unofficial transcript to your advisor.

@Sally_Rubenstone Hi Sally, I’m transferring from De Anza to UC Davis. I’m really desperate. I signed up for an online English course and dropped it by the W date. Unfortunately the system made a mistake, and there’s no record of me dropping the class. Now I have an F on my transcript. I just told the admissions officer and I’m really worried that my acceptance will be rescinded. What can I do in this case?

@midvalleygarden -You’ve already taken the most important step, which is to explain your situation to your admission officer. If you did this via email or voice mail and didn’t speak with him or her directly, be sure to follow up if you don’t receive a response in a few days. Here are a few other things you can try:

– Contact the registrar and/or the tech department at De Anza to ask if there has been a history of system problems that have put other students in similar straits. If the answer is yes, get the name of the person you spoke with and tell your admission counselor that this person can verify a recurring problem.

– Dig up any correspondence you may have had with the English professor saying that you planned to drop the class. (You may not have any of this but it would be helpful if you do.)

–If the class and/or its credit wasn’t required for your transfer and you took it for “enrichment,” be sure to explain this to your admission counselor.

Maybe other CC members have additional suggestions. Anyone??

Does UC Berkeley rescinds for receiving AP scores late? I sent the AP scores on July 15th, but processing time will take a while. I misread to think that I have to send the scores by the 15th, not have UC Berkeley received them already by then. According to an admission officer, “ALL final, official exam results must be received by July 15, 2018. Next week, we will send out the cancellation notice.” Do you know if that means I will be rescinded, or is there a grace period? I know this is my fault, but I’m extremely worried. Thank you.

Hello! Can you help me or give me some advise? I got accepted to CPP, and I failed two of my classes with a D. The classes are microeconomics and managerial accounting. My gpa is now 3.075. I immediately called them after finding out my final grade and they told me that it wouldn’t affect me as long as I have 60 units, the golden four classes and that my gpa didn’t drop a lot.

I don’t think my gpa drop a lot since it used to be around 3.2. Do you think they would rescind me? Or maybe let me transfer and take the class over there?

@underwaterleaf- Nothing bad will happen to you if your AP exam scores are late. So don’t worry anymore. But get them there ASAP anyway out of courtesy to the admission staff who have a lot of stuff to process at this time of year.

@Kaykayiskay -I can’t say for sure but I don’t think that your GPA dropped enough to cause a problem, as long as you have been told that your D’s won’t hurt you. (Frankly, I would have thought they might but apparently I’m wrong about that.) So it sounds to me like you’ll be okay.

Thank you! I also thought they would rescind since usually D’s and F’s are a big no-no. But apparently that’s what the admissions person said? I even called twice because I was still worried and got the same answer. Also, I looked up their transfer requirements and it says the same thing. So I’m going to hope for the best! Hopefully they let me transfer and retake it over there!

Also, I forgot to ask, do you know when do colleges send rescind letters or notify us? It would suck if they rescinded someone two weeks before school starts!

@Kaykayiskay -I can’t speak for all colleges but typically, when an acceptance is rescinded, the bad news is sent out by the end of July. So that’s not as bad as mid-August but it still sucks whenever it shows up!


I’m a student from De Anza CC and am transferring to UC Davis this coming fall.

My issue right now is that I received an email from UC Davis stating that my actual transcript from De Anza did not mirror the self-reported courses. The inconsistency was with one particular class which was a GE class so it wasn’t a major class that I had to complete.

I’m worried because there could be a chance that my acceptance would be rescinded.

However, I did update my grades and the planned courses after Winter 2018 quarter but I’m not sure as to why they still had that additional course reported. The only place where I reported that class was in UC App back in December after the Fall 2017 quarter.

I did respond to the Davis regarding this and also contacted the transfer advisor for De Anza. I hope you’d be able to provide additional advice or guidance for my next steps.

Thank you very much

@student980-Sorry, but I’m confused by what happened here. Did you list a course on your self-report that wasn’t listed on your official transcript because you later decided not to take it?

In any case, it sounds like you’re doing the exact right thing by communicating with both UC Davis and with the transfer advisor at De Anza. I find it highly unlikely that this situation–at least as far as I understand it–will cause you any problems beyond the immediate hassles.

For next steps, simple follow up whenever you don’t get a response from Davis or De Anza in a timely manner. Be polite but persistent and I’m guessing you’ll be fine.