When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

On my UC application, I put that I took Public Speaking classes at a community college during my senior year of high school. The class got full before I could register so I took an ASL class instead. How do I tell the UCs that accepted me this?? Sorry if it’s super simple I’m honestly scared :frowning:

@rsifut1 -Of course you can go ahead with the SIR now. There’s no reason to wait for a response. You are correcting a minor error with your earlier email, and I don’t see that standing in the way for you at all. Congrats on your acceptances.

@yellow-Send an email to the UC admission office at the school you plan to attend to explain your error. Although you SHOULD have notified your colleges as soon as you didn’t get into the Public Speaking class, I don’t see that it’s a big deal at all that you didn’t. The class you actually took seems roughly equivalent to the one you planned to take in terms of rigor. It’s not as if you’d said you were taking Multivariate Calculus but then ended up in Cooking! (Well, for some of us, cooking can actually be tough, but you know what I mean!)

So simply point out in your email that you couldn’t get into the class that you’d fully intended to take and so you took another one. I don’t see this as a problem for you at all, so there’s no reason to be scared.

Hi Sally! I was hoping you could give me advice- and let me know where I stand/if I should be worried about my admission being rescinded.

The grades in my school work on a semester based system. My average grades before I applied to college were 5 A’s and 2 B’s (3.71 GPA). Last semester I got 4 A’s, 2 B’s and a C (3.42 GPA). This semester, I might get another C.

If I go from all A’s and B’s, to 1 C first semester and 1 C second semester of Senior year, would this be alarming to the college I commited to? Should I be worried about my college acceptance being rescinded?

Btw, i was accepted into a small liberal arts college-and assuming I do get this C, my second semester grades would be 5 A’s, 1 B and 1 C (3.57 GPA)

Thank you for all your help!!

@KarlaH472 -You will be fine. It’s possible that you may get a letter from the admission office asking about your C’s and so you’ll have to write back and insist that you weren’t slacking, and then you’ll be fine. But my best guess is that you won’t hear from the college at all given that the rest of your grades are very strong.

Hi Sally! After I got into Berkeley I checked my UC application center and saw that I made a mistake with my 12th grade course load. I listed two electives in the first semester as year long courses even though they were semester long. Additionally I forgot to add my semester 2 elective courses which included art, and two social studies electives. Will Berkeley likely rescind me? I filled out a form updating them on the course changes.

Note that I filled the form regarding the changes after my admission.

@SpiritedDisplay1 - You have corrected a minor error and have nothing to worry about. Congratulations on your Berkeley acceptance.

Thank you! Is Berkeley strict on schedule changes? Their condition makes it seem as such, hence why I was scared.

@Sally_Rubenstone,hi sally, I have quick question. So I got admitted to UC Berkeley just last week. I went into my portal to check things out and figured that I had make an error. I accidentally I will be taking the AP government/politics exam, but actually I will be taking the ap Marco exam. I send them an admission update form to notify them since it’s one of the requirements to finish all the courses and exams that I listed in my application. Will they rescind my acceptance? I am panicking and super scared!!!

Thank you so much

@Sally_Rubenstone hi sally-- I was recently admitted to Vanderbilt as a CV scholar (full-ride merit scholarship). I’m usually a straight A student, but let my grades slip to 2 A’s, 3 B’s, and 1 C second semester. do you think that vandy would rescind my scholarship/acceptance? and also should I reach out and explain my circumstances before they notice my grade drop?

Hello, I am a transfer student just admitted to the University of Arizona. As I was suspended from my previous university (after 6 semesters, a 3.779 GPA with a rising GPA trend and difficult courses in a top-tier business school) for disciplinary issues. I sued the school to try and stay in; however, I was unsuccessful in retaining my enrollment. I’ve gotten rejected from most schools (as expected) because of the suspension. However, yesterday, I found out I was accepted into Arizona. I detailed my suspension (as much as one can in 500 words – there are hundreds of pages of court documents) in the common application. Arizona accepted me anyway.

In the “next steps” for admitted students, Arizona asks about “academic integrity or conduct violations”. Assuming conduct violations is a synonym for disciplinary issues, I checked that I’ve been found responsible for issues at my previous school. They said I will be emailed by the dean of students providing further instruction. Even though I was admitted with the disclosing of my disciplinary record, is there any chance they rescind my admission? This has been the only beam of light I’ve had in my life recently and I am DEATHLY afraid of losing the opportunity to continue my education. Any feedback is welcome, and I can answer any further questions you might have.

@SpiritedDisplay1 -The Berkeley folks want to appear “strict” so that students will take the course listings seriously and do them accurately. But their primary concern is when students end up taking a course load that is less rigorous than the one on the application. In other words, if you list that you are taking eight classes but only actually take six, that would be a problem. Likewise, if your application says AP Calc and AP Physics but then you end up in AP Psych and sociology, that would be an issue too. But, from what you’ve said about YOUR case, it doesn’t sound as if the course load that you took was any easier than the one you put on your application.

@olivia0908 -As I just explained to @SpiritedDisplay1 , as long as the class that you actually took (or the exam you will be taking) isn’t clearly easier than the one that you SAID you were going to do, there’s no problem. Sounds like you’'ll be fine so don’t worry.

@kxailia - My best guess is that you could get a warning letter from Vanderbilt asking why your grades have fallen but–if you have a reasonable explanation (e.g., illness, family problems, etc.)–then nothing will come of it. So, since it sounds like you DO have an explanation for the downturn, it is a very good idea that you are proactive and notify the Vandy admission folks NOW rather than waiting for potential contact from them in the summer.

If you point out that you were not slacking and you provide details of your circumstances, then you ought to be fine. And if YOU are the one who contacts them before they reach out to you, it will serve to reinforce the idea that you are on top of this, which the admission officials will note and appreciate.

@Kelley2020–If you provided full details of your previous suspension in your application and didn’t omit some critical point that might cause the U of AZ to rescind your acceptance (such as behavior that endangered other students and staff), then you should be fine. However, when you respond to the U of AZ about your “academic integrity or conduct violations,” you should begin your response with something along the lines of, “As I fully explained in my application …” That way, whoever is reading this response (probably not the same person or people who read your initial application) will understand from the get-go that you weren’t trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.

While I can’t say for certain, my best guess is that U of A is not going to revoke your acceptance since they knew your story before they admitted you. So you should be fine.

If, however, you want to send me a Private Message with details of your situation, feel free. It’s also very possible that other universities didn’t reject you because of your disciplinary violation (or ONLY because of it). A lot of colleges don’t admit students who have already completed more than four semesters elsewhere. There are, however, some universities that offer “Degree Completion” programs that are typically geared to students who came close to finishing a degree but–for various reasons–did not. These Degree Completion programs can often be online and might be a solution for you, if you end up with any problems enrolling at U of Arizona. However, as noted above, it does sound to me that Arizona has accepted you with full knowledge of your circumstances, and you will be enrolling there.

Yes I see what you mean. Thank you so much Sally!

Thank you so much! Your input has eased some nerves. And no, I didn’t omit any important details regarding my conduct. In fact, I only really omitted things that could have helped me because of the word limit. I only included the findings from the university with some other context and that I am trying to take responsibility for my faults to improve myself. Regardless of what I know I didn’t do, the university thinks I am responsible for misconduct. Therefore, I need to take responsibility for getting myself in this situation, even if it’s less than ideal.

I emailed them this morning to clarify the conduct question, and I said that I included details in the Common Application (which was the form I used for this school). So, whoever reads it should know that I’m not springing this on the university now. I even downloaded my Arizona application to double check the misconduct info is on there, which it is.

PS – Will keep the degree completion programs in my back pocket, thanks for the idea!

I haven’t posted enough on here to initiate a PM, but if you’d like to message me, I think I can respond!

Hi, I am an admitted student who put my deposit down at the University of Pittsburgh. I applied with a 4.28 weighted after receiving all As my junior year, and only one B throughout all of high school. I take 4 AP/IB classes and am struggling compared to how I have done in the past. College admissions, senior year, and everything else is taking a toll on my grades. I am super stressed about having my acceptance rescinded. I may not end the year with a single A, my lowest grade will be no lower than a B but I’m afraid I may get all Bs and B+ on my final transcript, with maybe 1 or 2 As at best. If I were to get all Bs with majority B+, would this be a reason to question my acceptance? I am so worried and cannot risk this at all. I will try to bring my grades up during the 4th quarter but am doing terrible right now relative to how I’ve done all of high school.

@caps813 --You’ll be fine. Stop worrying! Do continue to try to bring up your grades or at least don’t drop any lower. But if you can reduce your current stress level by not being so worried about this, you’ll probably do better. :slight_smile: