When do National Merit Finalist rejection letters come out?

None of it makes much sense to me these days. Academic merit doesn’t seem to matter the way that it should. These kids work so hard. My son probably doesn’t have as much EC stuff, but he spends his time working hard academically and training hard for track and xc. He doesn’t have time for spirit club and all that other stuff. If he doesn’t get in, my faith will be shot when it comes to the education system and for what should matter when it comes to college admissions. He wanted to do well on PSAT pursue NMS status because he (we) thought it would make getting in to the school of his choice less stressful. Now I am wondering if it was at all worth it.


Hi. Does anyone know whether NMSC sends finalist notification to the high school principal in one pack (containing all of the finalists from that particular school) or in individual letters (for each finalist student)? Thanks.

We are having the exact same experience! I feel like every angle of our demographic and geographic location puts us in a position to be overlooked. Some of it can’t be helped but our socioeconomic status and educational achievement should not affect admissions decisions but it clearly does. I’m hoping we will do better in our home state but I’m exactly where you are, on the verge of losing faith. Best of luck! It was worth it because what they learned in the process will make them better prepared for what comes next

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High school grades and course rigor have always been the most important factor in college admissions. Standardized test scores have long been the next most important. Nothing else was considered of “Considerable Importance” by more than 23% of colleges, according to the most recent NACAC survey. So I don’t understand how “Academic merit doesn’t seem to matter”.

Earning Finalist status based on already provided test scores, based on a preliminary test taken well over a year ago, one earned by 94% of students who have already provided SF status, doesn’t seem to me like it should be a huge factor in admissions.

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Now we wait for May?

oof. So long from now.

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There’s really nothing to wait for. That’s just the deadline to announce your first choice

We are in Florida, so we will find out tomorrow night if he makes it into UF. We are just praying and trusting that whatever happens is for the best whether he ends up there or makes another plan. It just is very frustrating that it is quite possible he will be looked over. I’m hoping for the best, but we will just have to deal with whatever comes. It sure doesn’t make me question him or his abilities. It makes me question a whole bunch of other stuff. Best of luck to you guys, too. It is well with my soul either way. I just hope he isn’t crushed if it doesn’t go the way it SHOULD.


… and scholarship announcements… Many others just need the finalist letter and to be admitted to the college that gives them free tuition, etc.

For us, its waiting to see if by the slimmest of chances, we are on a scholarship list.
15,000 finalists and about 6,500 get a scholarship… whether that is by University or NMSC… sigh…

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Good luck! I hope it works out!

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