When Do The Early Desicion Results Get Sent?


<p>at least you know! i'm STILL waiting for a freaking response either way, if i get rejected I really need to know so I can start my other apps</p>

<p>OK, I'm not a complainer, really, I'm not. But just to make you guys appreciate your decisions, since I am STILL waiting. I called the admissions office and they said "some places on the east coast still haven't gotten them yet, but some places have and then others next to them have not. Call back Thursday if you don' thear anything by then."</p>

<p>I'm THE last ED person to hear in my class and EA people from other schools are hearing back before me! This is agony. Even if it is a rejection, I need to know so I can do my other apps! Oh well, perhaps tomorrow :) or the next day...</p>

<p>damn that sucks</p>

<p>I got mine on Monday in New Hampshire... </p>

<p>now I'm just sending out like 11 more applications ha</p>

<p>givemefive--have you checked out Whitman College in Walla Walla,WA? It's a great school and I visited in October. It has a great Outdoors Program (EC)..the campus is beautiful..all of the facilities are top notch. A bunch of kids from New England are there as I remember..for being so far away. Check it out. The admissions rep who handles New England is actually in Barnsatble, MA year round...so it would be really easy for you to connect with him. I spent alot of time checking out similiar type schools in NE and ultimately, Colorado was on top for me...but Whitman came a close second. You would have no problem getting in there and if you liked CC that much...you owe it to yourself to check it out. Good Luck.</p>

<p>basically, now living through hell:</p>

<p>I called Tuesday to say I still had not gotten my decision, and they said to call back today (thursday) if i still had not heard. I checked the mail today - no CC decision in the glistening envelope saying Welcome to the Class of 2011 (not that I've been thinking about it much). So, I call, thinking I'd fiind out over the phone. SURPRISE! The office is closed b/c of the blizzard and is staying closed until 1/8. So, I emailed my counselor out there and am praying the letter comes by saturday. This is a living hell.</p>

<p>Well try calling again Friday, just in case someone shows up there. And ask them to FedEx a duplicate response to you. I'd guess that your difficulties aren't CC's doing; but you are victim of the not always reliable US Mail.</p>

<p>Good news! I emailed the admissions office and while I was at a school Bball game tonight I missed her call, so I had to go the office, spoke with the officer from her house and I got in!!! So STOKED!!! GO CC C/O 2011! </p>

<p>-ps- they LOVE kids who show interest to them, you're def. right</p>

<p>sky007--well worth the wait. Congratulations. In the end..it was an awesome way to find out.</p>

<p>sky007 - Congratualtions!!! I'm so glad you finally heard! I guess it was worth the wait :D I'll IM you sometime soon again.</p>

<p>Congrats all you guys who've gotten in so far. I just received the good news, and I live in Colorado Springs. They must be trying to keep the locals in suspense...haha...</p>

<p>I recieved an EA acceptance today. Anyone else, or is it just ED?</p>

<p>Whoa, you received an EA acceptance? Not fair! Lol jk but I wish I would hear sometime soon...</p>

<p>Congrats xjacintox!</p>

<p>Did you apply ED? I still have not received my official ED acceptance letter in the mail and I live in CT. If you already got an EA acceptance, where do you live?</p>

<p>Yeah, I did! I'm pretty psyched. I think it was an early notification for early action...I didn't know that they did that. The letter says "While the majority of our admission decisions will be mailed at a later date, you are among a select group of outstanding students to recieve early notification of your admission to Colorado College."</p>

<p>I'm not sure if that's referencing my early application, or that I'm hearing half a month earlier than I was originally supposed to.</p>

<p>Skyy--I'm in North Carolina. I think that may be part of why they accepted me, haha. Not too many applicants from down south :)</p>

<p>Does anybody know when they notify people about scholarships? I did not apply for financial aid, but now that I got this early acceptance, my hopes are up for merit money.</p>

<p>Good luck to the rest of you EAers!</p>

<p>Wow, thats pretty cool.</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>Wow, that's really exciting! Good for you! Are you definitely gonna go to CC? Where else did you apply?</p>

<p>Yikes, I have never posted my stats before...I really have no idea how they compare to anything.</p>

<p>2170 SAT (750 V/ 730 W/ 690 M), 780 lit, 740 US history, 730 world history
5 on AP US history, AP art history, AP world history
4 on AP english language
GPA is 3.7 UW/4.7 W...top 14% of a nationally ranked, ultra-competitive public school.</p>

<p>I am not sure if I will attend CC or not. I was deferred from my first choice ED (Williams) and I applied to six other schools. It's tempting, I LOVE the block plan and most of all, Colorado. CC was my first choice for a long time.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear about Williams :/</p>

<p>You were probably given the early notification b/c of your scores. By accepting you, they are helping to increase their average scores for admitted students whether or not your ECs were stellar. (I have a feeling you probably have great ECs and interviews). Have you visited?
I looked at Williams and saw a lot of overlap, but in the end the block plan, location and people won out (I think CC really does look for outgoing and very involved students who show a lot of interest in the school. Also, I wanted a lot of geographical diversity at the school I went to. All the other top schools I looked at claimed to have a lot, but the majority of them were from the northeast and I wanted more national perspective). Just to prove that point, look at the students on this forum, CO, IL, NC, CT, that says a lot. Anyhow, good luck! Go CC!</p>

<p>Both my parents and grandfather went to Williams. There was a lot of pressure for me to apply, but I really didn't feel like I had a shot despite the legacy. Besides, if I did get in, it would be only because of the legacy and I felt like I would have been taking someone else's spot who really wanted to go, so I decided to not apply. At least you got deferred and not flat out rejected, there's still hope. Good luck!</p>

<p>I also got an EA acceptance a couple of days ago
my scores weren't quite as good as julietshea although they did write me a really nice note about my EC's that I talked about in my essay</p>

<p>I think they just did it to increase their "yield" or whatever because it's certainly making me less motivated to work on my other applications!</p>

<p>Does anybody know about the Merit $$? If I havent gotten anything by now does this mean I won't be getting any?</p>