When Do The Early Desicion Results Get Sent?

<p>When do the ED responses get sent out. Are they all held to December 15? And will they be sent by email, before the letter arrives?</p>

<p>I don't know but I applied too. They just say mid-December. I think at the very latest, they mail them on the 15th. THere is no email version. ALso, when you receive the package, iut says right on the outside, "Welcome to the Class of 2011". An admissions guy told me that at an info session in OCtober. Good Luck</p>


<p>It was my son not me, that like you applied ED to Colorado College and EA to Lewis & Clark. He also applied early (rolling admissions) to our state school, CU-Boulder, where he has already been accepted.</p>

<p>He is 100% sold on CC, however, he put in the other apps early, so in case he doesn't get in to CC, he will have some early acceptances in hand, why he waits to hear about his regular desicion apps (Carleton, Macalester, Grinnel, Occidental).</p>

<p>His second choice to CC is Macalester (no EA there), but he'd really prefer CC (block system, weather, block system, a couple of Division 1 sports, block system).</p>

<p>Non binding early action applicants (which required apps by Nov. 15) receive decisions by mid-January, right? </p>

<p><a href="http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/firstyear/deadlines.asp%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/firstyear/deadlines.asp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>you're right--mid-January</p>

<p>Hopefully, it will be towards the beginning of the month though...</p>

<p>The admissions office seems a little disorderly, so applicants should not hold their breath. My friends experience could be an exception...they misplaced tons of his stuff, and he applied early.</p>

<p>I spoke to admissions last week. ED I letters get mailed this Friday. They were excellent about keeping me informed about the status of my application. They are a little late getting things filed..but they don't hold that against us. Admissions people couldn't be friendlier. A great first impression of the school,</p>

<p>I emailed the admission office this past Friday, and they said they would try to mail out the ED letters by the middle of this week, which I took to mean Wednesday.</p>

<p>Letters were sent on Tuesday.</p>

<p>My son got the big envelope, with "Congratulations" on the outside on Thursday! He's a mighty happy camper now!</p>

<p>Congrats! At least your son can enjoy the rest of his senior year, and you can start worrying about the money needed to send him there. ;)</p>

<p>Congratulations..great news. Hopefully mine will come today with the same news.</p>

<p>congrats again, I'm really anxious to get mine, hopefully they'll be to the east coast by saturday?</p>

<p>flyboy, did you get your letter yet? I spoke with the post office yesterday and they said anything coming from the "west coast" takes 4 days so I'm very agitated I didn't get mine yet if they sent them Tuesday. What state are you from?</p>

<p>I'm from Illinois...got my acceptance today. Go CC!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Congrats.... I'm very jealous! Hopefully I'll hear monday, but wouldn't be surprised if it was tuesday. Any aceptees feel free to IM: Snowskier2007</p>


<p>Congratulations flyboy! Get ready to enjoy 300 days of sunshine a year. Don't forget your sunglasses.</p>

<p>sky007--let us know what happens--there aren't many cc'rs here and we sure hope you get good news, too.</p>

<p>Good luck to all who haven't heard and congrats to those that made it in! I applied early action and am crossing my fingers for an acceptance letter!</p>

<p>whoops - flat out rejected</p>

<p>3.3 GPA must have killed me - I was well versed in the interview and have fairly high (32 ACT) standardized test scores. - I think my recommendations were stellar too. - not for sure why I wasn't taken - maybe they saw my absolute failure sophomore year as 'bad'</p>