When Do The Early Desicion Results Get Sent?

<p>My son got his EA envelope yesterday in TX. It gave the probable need based financial aid amt. I understand that merit $$ info comes after the regular decision deadline. Anyone heard any different?</p>

<p>just thought i'd let everyone know i got my ED acceptance officially in the mail (18 days after it was sent) made me laugh</p>

<p>07dad- everyone is reviewed for scholarships after they decide RD people too. from what i've heard, there isn't a very high chance of merit aid at the school for anyone.</p>

<p>sky007 I live in Colorado Springs, and I know some of my other Springs friends received their EA notices way early as well. Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS on getting in to all here!</p>

<p>07Dad- sky007 is right... unfortunately they only have a few large scholarships for the sciences (Barnes Scholarships) check out:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/CH/barnesscholarshi.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/CH/barnesscholarshi.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Here it is 1/7/07 and my D has not heard from CC yet about her EA app. She was already denied ED to Emory. She is also trying ED II at Colgate. But she really loved CC too - loved the block plan and the atmosphere. We visited and she interviewed with an admissions officer in NYC. She thought it went well. Her GPA is 3.9 weighted so it may not be good enough. Her SAT's were 2030. Hopefully, we will hear this week.</p>

<p>I still haven't heard about my EA app either. Wow a fourth person from CT on these boards applying to CC! Good luck to your daughter peacemaker!</p>

<p>Thanks Peaceout007! Good luck to you also! We're from Trumbull. Are you from CT? If so, hasn't the weather been weird? I couldn't believe yesterday with close to 70 degrees on Jan. 6th!!</p>

<p>What other schools did you apply to besides CC or was it just CC?</p>

<p>And you both ahve Peace in your names, too. I live from the midwest, applied ED and got in. A number of other kids from my HS applied EA and actually heard the week between the holidays about their results. 2/in 2/rejected and 1/deferred. I looked at Colgate and chose CC because of the Block Plan, COlorado and they have the friendliest campus..including admissions. Good luck to both.</p>

<p>Peacemaker, I would thing your daughter's scores are good enough. However, I think in the CC decision other factors are also very important, especially essays, recommendations, interviews, and in general, the applicant showing that they really want to be at CC. When my son got his ED acceptance, he got a personal hand written note stating how much they enjoyed his essay. Clearly they are looking beyond scores.</p>

<p>Yep, I'm from Guilford. The weather is just awful; waaaaay too warm and wet for January. I want to be in Colorado right now :). Seems like I should be getting my letter any day now if the midwest has already received their decisions.</p>


<p>don't worry you haven't heard yet, I was reading their admissions booklet the other day and it said "mid january" I'd say the kids that have already heard back are hearing really early</p>

<p>go CT CCers! (Old Lyme)</p>

<p>In Ca and my son has not heard yet. He also applied EA. It is a longshot but he is hoping.</p>

<p>Hi all, my D got an e-mail stating that all EA decisions would be mailed this week. They also said that she would hear via e-mail on Jan.11th by 6p.m. MST so that's 8 p.m. EST. This absolutely helped alleviate some worry as to when it was going to come. She's trying to study for a big AP Physics oral exam and she doesn't need things nagging at her such as this while she is studying!</p>

<p>Yeah I got that email too. Only about 30 hours until it arrives. I'm gonna have the hardest time opening that email :/</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK! let us know either way everyone. I got in ED and tomorrows my birthday so i'll keep my fingers crossed :)</p>

<p>In! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Arghhh ... deferred. The letter says last year ~ 20% of deferred applicants eventually got in for fall or winter start.</p>

<p>Applied EA to 3 schools and have been deferred by all 3. Now the long wait until late March. Congrats and best wishes to all who got in!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!! Omg this feels amazing!!! Congrats to everyone else who got in and good luck to all those still waiting!</p>

<p>CTLor- Everything happens for a reason in this college deal (I know it doesn't really help you now) but it'll work out</p>

<p>congrats to those accepted. Are you guys going? Peaceout - IM me so we can chat</p>

<p>CC c/o 11!</p>

<p>O.K. this is weird! WE still have not received an e-mail. My D is nervous and wants to find out. So many of you have heard. Do you think they overlooked us by mistake?</p>

<p>OH MAN!!! (if you haven't heard an awful story about finding out about this school, go back a few pages and read about how long it took me to hear ED (12/30) to make you feel better)</p>

<p>the email might have bounced back. did they send you an email after they got form 1?</p>