When Do The Early Desicion Results Get Sent?


<p>how many times did you visit? I wasn't planning on going but based off what you said it sounds like i ought to even if it means flying via chicago (ugg)</p>


<p>I just checked the calender and the open house deal includes good friday which in my school we have off, so you would really miss only 1 day of school. it could be pretty cool if we could all head out (together)</p>

<p>Flyboy - I have already visited the school, so I wasn't sure if the open house was going to be a lot of the same information as the info session and tour, but I doubt it (since it's three days long). Seems like it'd be worth it based on what you said. </p>

<p>sky - I have good friday off as well, pretty convienent</p>

<p>To all who decide to go to the first open house, we should all try to meet up somewhere during the three days we're on campus.</p>

<p>Sky and Peace--Like I said, I did the three week block last summer,saw the school initially when I was a sophomore while I was in CS for a Hockey tournament and then went in October for the Open House. I know the visits seem redundant, but I made some good friends during the summer block and this is a good excuse to reconnect with them and meet everyone else who will be potential classmates. It's overkill but I think it will be a great time, especially to see what the campus is like on a Friday night when the whole school is in session. I know I'm going, so the purpose is definitely not to convince me...that happened during the summer block. Hope you all go.</p>

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>My D is still going through angst over this whole issue of Colgate ED II (she hasn't heard yet) and already admission EA at Colorado College. My H thinks she will get a better job coming out of Colgate than Colorado. I think she will do fine either place. I think my H would like her to be closer so that we can possibly attend a track meet here on the east coast. A couple of you suggested that she change her ED II to RD but she is pretty sure that she won't get in (her uw gpa is 3.09 vs. their average of 3.7). The track coach at Colgate will support her if she does ED which she did, not RD (because he could get better candidates I think). </p>

<p>I should mention also that I already had to contact the Colgate admissions office to let them know to tag her app as ED b/c she had applied ED I to Emory and didn't get in. We faxed the ED commitment form and mailed it so I might look like a fool calling again to change it back. But that's O.K. - I told my D that I would do that. Last night she was all but sure to do that but then she started looking at the track results of the latest meet and she is competitive. She would feel bad telling the Colgate track coach that she is not sure about Colgate as ED anymore. I told her she could write a nice e-mail to him explaining her strong feelings for CC. He has been very nice and supportive of her, calling several times. </p>

<p>Arrgghh! I don't know what to counsel her to do. I honestly feel she would do fine either place. I also told her if Colgate doesn't feel right, she could transfer after freshman year. She doesn't want to consider transferring b/c she wants the "whole four year experience". I think she needs to be more flexible thinking in that regard.</p>

<p>I guess this is a "good problem". She loves that she got into CC "all on her own" without her athletic hook.</p>

<p>Just wait and see what happens with Colgate instead of trying to change it last minute. You know her best, and you feel she would be happy at either place, so I'm sure that's true. It's probably a win win stuation for her - if she gets into Colgate, she goes there. If she doesn't, she goes to CC. </p>

<p>Flyboy - Open house definitely seems like it will be worth it. I can't wait!</p>

<p>Thanks Peaceout. I think she feels she will be happier at CC, that's the problem. I think she will find a place to fit in either place she goes. </p>

<p>Open House sounds great! Have fun with that!</p>

<p>Yeah that's definitely tough. I hope everything works out for her. Keep us updated!</p>

<p>If I were you, and I really thought she would be happier at CC, I would encourage her to switch to RD. This is 4 years you're talking, personal feelings of a track coach shouldn't be playing into the equation when it's not like it affects him personally. With the job deal, all of us will get jobs no matter where we go, character and ambition are much more important than the name on a degree. If one does not have a degree, now thats a different story. Also, if she thinks she won't get in, why have her go through the anxst of waiting, since shes such a good athlete, she should not have to be looking for schools and getting locked into something shes unsure about, they should be looking for her, shes the asset. With that said, she might want to wait until she hears offers from other schools. You never know, a track friend of mine got an unexpected full ride. Good luck!</p>

<p>Has anyone checked out the CC website recently? They received a record number of applications...4565! They also have a notice extending the deadline for folks to change their applications from RD to ED II from January 1 to February 1. It looks like they are really trying to get people to commit and I think this is good for those of us who have decided early that CC is where we want to be. Undoubtedly, the schools is becoming more competitive and look for it to move up in the rankings.</p>

<p>Wow, I'm really glad I applied early action! Not so sure I would have gotten in RD ha ha.</p>

<p>OK, fly + peace,</p>

<p>I decided I'm going out for the open house on the 5-7th. Peace, I know you mentioned that weekend, fly - are you that weekend too?</p>

<p>In either case, it could be cool if we could meet up on the flights out there. Since the flights from here go through Chicago, I thought it might work.</p>

<p>These are the specifics:
Flight: 733, leave 7:10 from hartford
Flight: 6357 from Chicago</p>

flight 6478 at 11 something
flight 0554 from Chicago</p>

<p>maybe we can work something out?</p>

<p>I want to wish all the posters who made it into CC a BIG CONGRATULATIONS and have a great time at the open house. My D received her acceptance from Colgate today so we're staying east. She's excited and happy and I'm happy for her. But I am sure there is still a place in her heart for CC (there certainly is in mine). We will definitely come west to Colorado at some point soon b/c we have several relatives in Boulder and Denver.</p>

<p>All the best to you guys (I'll still check out this thread on occasion)!!</p>

<p>I applied early action and am anxiously awaiting a response, the site said the would be mailed by mid Jan. None of you would happen to know any specific dates would you?</p>

<p>hey...i applied Early action as well and also saw mid-january somewhere.</p>

<p>my friend got in today though early decision so im really curious as to when we will find out.</p>

<p>where are you from?</p>

<p>chicago you?</p>

<p>about an hour and a half north of chicago in a small Wisconsin town. My friend, who received her admission today was actually in Chicago this weekend. I'm very anxious to hear.</p>

<p>crazy, i want to get in so badly, my friend who is a year older than me applied EA last year and heard on the first of Jan, i really wish i knew when that letter would come...</p>

<p>i hear ya. i wasnt all too nervous about it until she got hers today...and now its bugging me soo much. i had a point higher than her on the ACT, higher grades, and equal extracurriculars...so hopefully i will have the same luck as her. from reading posts on here, it seems to be anywhere from dec. 26 to mid january. lets hope for the 26th</p>

<p>Class of 2011 stats are available at the CC website. Take heart:</p>

<p>ED: 43% admitted
EA: 44% admitted</p>

<p>OVERALL: 32% admitted</p>

<p>Basically, if you self-selected based on the CC profile you have a very decent chance.</p>