<p>For those that have been accepted already, have you been able to choose your housing yet (livingston, college ave, etc)? If so, what about the other people that get accepted on the deadline? Will all the housing be filled up?</p>
<p>The housing form for 09-10 isn’t up yet. I think that housing is guaranteed for Freshmen, but you may not get your first choice if you don’t apply as soon as the form is out.</p>
<p>I think by the end of this month/early March the form should be available. </p>
<p>I would definitely fill out the housing agreement once it becomes available so that you get your first choice (or so that you won’t get stuck in a hotel like some freshmen did last semester. yikes)</p>
<p>I think by the end of this month/early March the form should be available. </p>
<p>I would definitely fill out the housing agreement once it becomes available so that you get your first choice (or so that you won’t get stuck in a hotel like some freshmen did last semester. yikes)</p>
<p>maybe its different for first-years (I don’t know) but I just filled out my housing app two days ago. but I think around last time, I filled mine like in mid-april.</p>
<p>Tip: just make sure you fill it out before Rutgers has that open house thing in April. Some upperclassman gave that advice on here about a year ago. Their reason for this being that the freshman get to see a tour of the dorm(s) during the open house event and tend to fill out the agreement within a day or two after…and around April tends to be the time that first years start to sign up like crazy to ensure that they get their first choice.</p>
<p>I filled mine around the end of Feb/beginning of March and got my first choice (College Avenue), although I ended up switching to Busch prior to the start of the school year (long story). Nevertheless I did get my first choice, while most of my peers from high school got their last choice because they signed up too late.</p>
<p>To abbreviate this long post: sign up for housing as soon as the form is available.</p>