When does it close?

<p>Does anyone know what the last second to submit my application is? I'm applying online (not the common app)</p>

<p>I dont really feel like submitting it earlier. I'd love to ponder over my precious for longer...</p>

<p>Well since you must send your paper application by Nov. 1st, I would assume you should probably submit it online before midnight of Nov. 1st.</p>

<p>lol don't wait till like 11:59pm.</p>

<p>wait, you can if you REALLY want to. (hehe 1 less competitor...)</p>

<p>8:59 pm PST, remember</p>

<p>shhhh argon, dont tell him that :)</p>

<p>stop trying to sabotage him, pk...princeton is watching :p</p>

<p>lol can you imagine how much spacepirate would FREAK OUT???</p>

<p>like if he tries to push the review/payment button, and the computer says, "we're sorry, but the early decision application process for Princeton University has ended. If you would like, you can still apply for the regular decision admissions process. Thank you for your time and good luck!"</p>

<p>aaahh...i can't imagine how much <em>i</em> would flip out!! poor spacepirate!</p>

<p>lol i would first break the computer, then beat up my little sister haha</p>

<p>then i would go into the cupboard and spill all the salt and pepper onto the carpet floor. i would then flush my goldfish down the toilet. :)</p>

<p>lol.. i wouldn't wait till 11:59... anywayz, if it comes to it, i'll miss school, fly to NJ and hand deliver my application myself... lol</p>

<p>pk- that reaction is awful (yet hilarious).. i guess i'll be havin some evil mates at princeton :)</p>

<p>i dont know why but since a couple of weeks im talking to parents and friends as if i'm already into princeton- "mom i'll miss your breakfast"... "you talk as if you're already there".. "don't say that... ppl have jinxed my chances enough already".. doctor's diagnosed me with the ivy syndrome... asked me to send my application ASAP and refrain from brooding at CC to recover...</p>