When does UIUC usually release textbook information?

Hey everyone,

I’m hoping someone has an answer to this. I like to get my textbooks really early because I can get them online for much less money. Having a lot of time prior to the start of the semester lets me search around and wait for good deals.

I’ve been checking the bookstore on the UIUC website, and so far only one of my classes for this fall (MATH 347) has a textbook listed. The rest of them are still awaiting information.

Does anyone have any kind of rough idea of when I should expect to see the rest of my textbooks listed? Any input would be much appreciated.

This would be a good question for Reddit - www.reddit.com/r/uiuc

I’m actually not on Reddit.

Curt, it really depends on the instructor. In my experience, many wait until the first class to lay out whether they’ll even be using a text, or will provide readings online when applicable, and not even use a book. You can always email the instructor, once one is assigned to the Lecture in which you’ve enrolled. Many instructor assignments won’t occur until a bit closer to the start of the Fall semester.