When does UT Dallas notify acceptances?

<p>My son has not received any acceptance or denial from UT Dallas. When do they notify students?</p>

<p>I think UTD has rolling admission. To make sure, your son can check his status in Student Center (Orion page). I knew that I was admitted (my status) about one week before UTD sent their letter</p>

<p>Thank you. UT Dallas said they wanted fall semester grades before responding. I wonder if all merit aid is now given out. My son is accepted to 4 universities and waiting to hear from 2 more (UT Dallas and USC).</p>

<p>someone needs to introduce the campus to this: [LikeALittle</a> - University of Texas at Dallas](<a href=“http://www.likealittle.com/utdallas]LikeALittle”>http://www.likealittle.com/utdallas)
itspretty popular at other schools, and i imagine you can get alot of questions answered by chatting when activity goes up. usually libraries do the trick for getting campus on it.</p>

<p>My daughter got her acceptance just two weeks after she applied, but that was back in November, so they probably didn’t have as many to weed through. The scholarship letter came three weeks after the acceptance.</p>

<p>The acceptance was online one week before it arrived in the mail.</p>

<p>I applied a few days ago for fall semester, hopefully i get an answer in a few weeks</p>