<p>I just checked my USCepay and it says its due tomorrow?? (12/02/2011)</p>
<p>I thought it was due by first week of January?
Does it mean I have to pay 12% interest on it???</p>
I looked at these links but I'm so confused.. Help is appreciated.
<a href="http://fbs.usc.edu/depts/sfs/link/2521/due-dates-2011-2012/%5B/url%5D">http://fbs.usc.edu/depts/sfs/link/2521/due-dates-2011-2012/</a>
USC-FBS</a> - sfs - Late Fees</p>
<p>I checked my child’s account and it said due 12/2/2011 also. I did call USC and they said this date was for fall charges. The spring charges that are beginning to show up are due in January (1/6/2012). </p>
<p>I called: 213-740-4077</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I went to the student financial services office after class and they told me the same thing.</p>
<p>Be sure to always check the “payment due” as well as the date due. For ours, it shows that a payment is due 12/2/11, but the amount due is $0. Then further down is the total amount due, which is currently $OMG! (Scholarships have not yet been applied