When people don't vaccinate their kids


A LinkedIn employee who is recovering from the measles rode the BART in the days running up to his diagnosis.

^ Some very smart people have zero common sense and unfortunately they breed.

Did the person know they had measles?

If you read the article linked in post#2440, it’s interesting to note that the vaccination rates of 3 of the top 4 day-cares belong to bio-tech companies. Science… It saves lives.

^ Some very smart people have zero common sense and unfortunately they breed.

Less educated people, breed even more.

Less educated people are more likely to be vaccinated.

bottom line: People who don’t vaccinate are selfish, irresponsible, and just plain stupid. I would love for anybody on this thread to argue why perfectly healthy children and adults do not need vaccinations. These people need to be reeducated and learn not to take advice from a playboy w***e .

“If you read the article linked in post#2440, it’s interesting to note that the vaccination rates of 3 of the top 4 day-cares belong to bio-tech companies. Science… It saves lives.”

OTOH according to the article, “Children who attend daycare facilities run by top Silicon Valley tech companies seem to have comparatively low vaccination rates, according to an investigation by Wired using data from the California department of public health. Wired found that half of the 12 companies it surveyed – including Google, Yahoo and IBM – had a level of measles vaccination lower than required to provide “herd immunity”, which is critical to preventing the spread of this disease.”

^ I wondered how the data were recorded. For instance, did they count babies too young to be vaccinated?

@emilybee – it doesn’t surprise me. I live in the middle of all of this. I’m not saying that the rate is high in CA because it’s not. I do think it’s interesting that the bio-tech companies had a very high compliance rate when compared to the internet companies like Google or entertainment ones like Pixar. Many educated employees, but some focused on bio/chem where others are more focused on CS. Perhaps all that time in the lab made them realize that vaccines are a good thing. Or perhaps some companies require immunizations in their day care and some don’t?

MamaBear, overall the rate of non vaxxers in CA might not be high, but in specific areas (Marin, for example - where the rate is 7.8%) there are very high numbers of non vaxxers.


One would certainly hope people in the bio-tech sector would be pro vaccinations.

Sue, no idea - but I would think all companies with on site day care have babies under 12 months of age and that would be factored into the vaccination rates. Of course, I suppose it’s possible that Facebook, Google et al have younger employees and thus a greater percentage of infants and babies under a year old.

@emilybee - I don’t understand your point since I’m not disagreeing that CA has very low rates. (Although it’s very unlikely that people living in Marin are working in the companies on that graph (other than Pixar) just based on location since the rest are in Silicon Valley).

I was only pointing out that although CA percentage of non vaxxers is not the highest in the country - there are areas of the state where the percentage is quite high. Marin was only an example of an area with a very high percentage of non vaxxers.

Biotech people would know from their jobs…

On the other hand, autism is probably higher among CS people, and some autism-fearing parents (without any special knowledge of biology) may have fallen for the bogus vaccine-autism theory instead of realizing that it is likely genetics (see http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aspergers_pr.html ).

Note that the genetics of brilliance and autism are likely related; see http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/features/beautiful-minds/story-e6frg8h6-1111114147837 for an example.

@ucbalumnus - I agree. It’s been documented that there is a high rate of autism in the area. And the biotech people are less likely to believe a debunked claim linking it to vaccines.

"bottom line: People who don’t vaccinate are selfish, irresponsible, and just plain stupid. I would love for anybody on this thread to argue why perfectly healthy children and adults do not need vaccinations. These people need to be reeducated and learn not to take advice from a playboy w***e . "

@anxxghost - many of us agree whole-heartedly with your point about vaccines. However, I request that you refrain from sexist (“slut-shaming”?) phrases as you used above. Jenny McCarthy’s professional or personal sex life is irrelevant to her vaccine involvement. Plenty of sexually open professionals (e.g. Dan Savage) have come out in strong favor of vaccination. And without getting into a whole discussion of pornography, feminism, and capitalism - it’s additionally unfair to describe an employee of Playboy as a “whore” while omitting to blame the employer.

I don’t think this works. I can just declare that my personal belief IS my religion; the state should not be trying to decide which religions are worthy of deference.

@romanigypsyeyes, I thought you might find this amusing:


Ha! Thanks for sharing. I reposted in my SPH Facebook group.

@fretfulmother‌ lol You are the only person that I have ever heard say that playboy models are not w****s