<p>Okay, I have already started studying vocab for the CR section of the SAT. I took it once already and got a 560(ewww) and want to increase my vocab. I thought that CR was my best section, and I am thinking that I messed up filling in the ovals;however, I still need to work on my vocab. So, should I wait until summer, late summer, fall, or start now? By the way, I am taking the October SAT( most likely).Thanks.</p>
<p>Start ASAP if you're going to do it. The best way IMO is not by memorizing lists of words, but by reading books with lots of vocab so you can learn it more easily.</p>
<p>I really have not problem memorizing, I am an actor. And I have already learnded almost all the roots, I take Latin. However, reading sounds like a good idea.</p>
<p>well, go for it.</p>
<p>yeah reading A LOT will help you. but if you have some time so try to memorize then later when you read it's easier for you to remember.</p>
<p>Memorize 5-10 per day. Try to use those words in conversation or writing throughout your daily life. Definitely start now.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses.</p>