When your kid has no idea what they are interested in

To me, parents helping their kids “figure out” doesn’t mean parents figuring out for their kids. There’s a difference between pushing a kid to find a direction and pushing the kid in a certain direction.


What is too long? And also, not everyone has a specialized interest…
In some cases as long as the kid picks a major, gets a job and makes a decent living I think everything is ok. I’ve seen way too many parents push their kids in a certain direction and it doesn’t end well. Also, what if a kid is supporting themselves while they’re figuring stuff out?

So many kids go to college thinking they are entirely sure of their major and end up doing a 180 either because they fall in love with a new topic or they meet a professor that changes their life. I think the only problem with being “undecided” is that it creates some angst about having to figure it all out.

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