Where are the Boys?

<p>I hope this doesn't sound ridiculous, but I am looking for a medium sized college or university that has about 50% male to female ratio. I plan to study economics or business. My GPA is 3.6 and my SAT total is 1910. I think I am in about the top quarter or third of my class.</p>

<p>Why does this matter? Because I am a senior at a public high school that has a very lopsided ratio due to nearby private and Catholic schools..AP classes with 2 or 3 boys and over 20 girls, very strong girls' varsity and weak boys' varsity, and very competitive socially, girls in just about every leadership position.... It's really strange.</p>

<p>Does anyone know of colleges on the east coast that fit this criteria? Also, I am not interested in living in a city right now.</p>

<p>Almost every school is about 50/50, or within 5 percentage points of that.</p>

<p>Really, your options are wide open.</p>