Gender Advantage and Chances?

<p>So I just realized that most of the schools I applied to have a lot more girls than guys at the school, and I'm guessing most colleges want a 50/50 ratio, so will this help my acceptance being a guy?</p>

<p>MY Stats are 3.7 GPA, 2090 SAT, with a good amount of extracurriculars, so what do you think my chances are for these schools that I applied to?
BU: 61% Women, 39% Men
GW: 55% Women, 45% Men
Skidmore: 60%, 40%
U Virginia: 57%, 43%
Vanderbilt: 56%, 44%
NYU: 63%, 37%</p>

<p>You're in. :D</p>

<p>Haha cause of my stats or because of being a guy?</p>

<p>Whoa i never realized there was that big of a gap.</p>

<p>Whether being male gives you a boost depends on the college. Even then, it may also depend on who's on the committee reading applications that year.
Don't assume that an imbalance of male/female enrollment automatically means a preference for admitting male applicants. It really varies. </p>

<p>According to the National Center for Educational Statistics site, you're best shot for male preference is at GWU and Skidmore. But keep in mind these figures are already a year or two old. You can look up the admissions info for any college in the U.S. at this site: College</a> Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics</p>

<p>Percent of applicants admitted: </p>

<p>Skidmore: 44.7 percent for men, 35.8 percent for women
GWU: 41.8 percent M, 34.9 percent W
BU: 56.2 percent M, 59.8 percent W<br>
Vandy: 33.8 percent M, 32 percent W
NYU: 34.4 percent M, 38 percent W
UVa: 33.8 percent M, 36.5 percent W</p>