Where can I find detailed info on BS/MD programs like Brown PLME?

Hey ya’ll, I wish everyone is doing well as we prepare for the upcoming BS/MD app cycle. I’m not feeling too stressed yet, but maybe it’s too early to tell how intense this process will really be.

I would love to hear from some 2022/2023 about how you went about getting information on each BS/MD program, especially with schools like Brown PLME asking about why you are interested in their program specifically.

I found some useful resources like BS/MD lists from the PremedHQ website. Does anyone know of anything similar or could shed some light on how you went about getting information on specific BS/MD programs?

Go to the thread for BS/MD/DO admissions cycle. A lot of info there about which schools are better, their goals, etc.

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that’s the link

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@notsoreadyformed posted an active link for students who already finished applying but has over 8000+ discussing various questions related to lots of different programs. The above link is for students applying this year who can start afresh and ask any questions about any programs and someone will answer or guide you to someone who can.