Where can i get change?

<p>I have a bank of america account and atm card. I need quarters for my washing machine. where can i get them?</p>

<p>Load up your brown card with a few bucks and use that at the washing machine.....or take a Hamilton to any bank and ask for a roll.</p>

<p>"they should call us aaron burr from the way we droppin hamiltons!!!"</p>

<p>There's a bank on Thayer Street. If you're at the SciLi, walk north, like your going to the VDub. The bank should be on your left. It's in one of the storefronts that is partially underground. Once, I needed quarters for laundry. I gave them cash and they gave me coins. I think it's a Bank of America, in which case they can draw the money straight from your account.</p>

<p>First of all, its not partially underground, its now on the corner where Allegra was. Second of all, it is Sovereign, not citizens.</p>

<p>we put some $ in a machine in the basement of Faunce and it added it to the ID card-you can add in increments of $10 up to $50-it was easy-then you can use it for laundry, copying etc. around campus. I think there are more of those machines around campus</p>