Where can I get in? Where should I apply?

<p>I am a rising junior, and don't know which schools I might be able to get into. Any advice or suggestions you could give me would be very helpful.</p>

<p>I am a white male, attending an averagy high school in Wyoming, with a graduating class of around 200. I have taken all the honors classes possible.</p>

<p>I am interested in applying to:
UW (as a backup)</p>

GPA: 4.00
Class rank: 1
ACT: 34</p>

<p>APs planned:
Junior year: Chemistry, US Government and Politics, US History
Senior year: English Literature/Language, Physics, Calculus AB
<em>I also plan to take courses at the local community college to supplement my school's offerings if necessary, particularly in the summers</em></p>

Junior Class President next year
Expect to get National Merit
National Honor Society next year
Start on varsity basketball team, and will go to the world championship 3 on 3 tournament. Winner of the state tournament.
Plan to start a school newspaper
Varsity tennis team
Paid internship at a local bank this summer
Chess club
Math team
Key club
Plan to do the UDOC program next summer
Big Brother, plus tutor elementary school students twice a week</p>

<p>I expect to get excellent recommendations, and write great essays.</p>

<p>My primary interest is business, especially investment banking. I also may pursue a career as an engineer, scientist, or doctor.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for any schools you can recommend to me!</p>

<p>Who knows? Most vals do not get into HYPM or S. If you can get recruited for one of your sports you have a great shot. If not, you have an average shot unless your school is very good (average SAT over 1300 old).</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>