I am a rising high school senior. I’m looking for a school I can apply to in the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia) that I can apply to that are most likely to give me a significant merit scholarship. My stats are…
SAT: 1950 (super-scored)
CR: 640
W: 630
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.85 UW, 4.2 W
5 APs, 10 Honors Freshman - Senior year
Creator and Co-President of Crafts For Kids Club
In Habitat for Humanity, Literary Magazine, Ski Club, Stage Crew (former assistant stage manager, future head of sound)
NHS, Music Honors Society, and Italian Honors Society member
Community Service Organizer for a 4H Music Club
Dancing for 12 years
Volunteer at a dance school, hospital, and animal hospital
Worked at After School Program and Aeropostale
The schools on my list right now are American U, Binghampton, Boston U, Drexel, Duquesne, Fordham, George Washington, Ithaca, Umass Amherst, U Miami, Pitt, Rutgers, Tulane, Villanova
With my stats, do I have a chance at any good merit scholarships from any of these schools? Are there any other schools in the region that I have not listed that give out good merit scholarships to students like me?