Where did you take Organic Chemistry? Science Majors, please help!


I’m looking to take an Organic Chemistry class to fulfill my Biology major requirement. The reason that I’m taking it over the summer is because I struggled so much with the class I took at my college. If you took a class with a professor that was relatively easy, please share your experience and what college you took it at!

Thank you so much!

Is this for a premed requirement? Med schools generally won’t understand why you didn’t take Orgo at your own college. If its not for a premed track - you should try and take it at your local community college or state college. You need to check with current school and make sure they will accept the transfer credits. @ConfusedHSSenior

It is not for a premed requirement but rather for the biology major. I understand that I must make sure my school will accept the transfer credits. However, it is not offered at my local community college and I thought I would ask around to get some help on this matter.

@ConfusedHSSenior There are over 2000 colleges in the United States…You have not provided your state/location so how can anyone make suggestions?

I live in Saratoga, NY, but the reason I did not include that information is that I am willing to move for a summer in order to have the best experience possible while taking this course, especially with the cognizance that it is not an easy course, and summer courses themselves are inherently difficult, so I would be willing to take whatever measures needed to reduce all unneeded inconveniences.