Where did you turn down?

<p>What schools did you turn down to come to tech?
For me:
Ohio State
University of Cincinnati
Miami University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
and didnt take a spot on Wisconsin -madison's waitlist (don't even know why i applied, i would never go there)</p>

<p>I chose tech because its been my dream school since i was little, plus I got into the engineering program and honors program, plus they made it cheaper than my instate school with scholarships. Pretty easy decision for me.
So how bout you guy's? And why did you chose tech?</p>

<p>just turned down VT to go to VMI.</p>

<p>S turned down University of Georgia, Clemson and South Carolina. Withdrew apps from the other schools he applied to (W & M, St. Mary's College of Maryland) once he received the ED admittance to VT. UGA was a tough one for him to turn down; he really loved that school, too.</p>

<p>Turned down Purdue and Embry-Riddle. Still waiting on the Air Force Academy, but if they do accept me, I'll turn them down for Tech.</p>

<p>D turned down William & Mary, Clemson, JMU, and Mary Washington for Tech---she's not sure why</p>

<p>I turned down Penn State (Smeal Business School) and Boston University for Virginia Tech...best decision I ever made (I'm just finishing Freshman year)</p>

<p>im the opposite of frankricard as i turned down tech for penn state. tech didnt have as good of a program for my major</p>

<p>i turned down penn state, georgia tech, illinois, purdue, maryland, and cal poly for instate va tech</p>

<p>I didn't actually apply anywhere else but I was auto-accepted at WVU and Marshall if I wouldn't have gotten in. I applied early so if I wouldn't have gotten in I would have been firing off applications like crazy.</p>

<p>turned down BU, lehigh, fordham, gmu, and a couple other small schools. VT just felt right</p>

<p>Nothing special, SDSU and Cal Poly Obispo</p>

<p>SDSU just had a HUGE drug sting haha.</p>

<p>Could be, pretty big party school, though most happen in off-campus housing...</p>

<p>I didn't get into my top choices and even some of my matches, but I did turn down University of Connecticut, Purdue, and University of South Carolina.</p>

<p>UVA and Tulane.. I would do it again too. Im so stoked for Tech</p>

<p>UVA Jmu and mason.. transferring into Tech...didnt get into the commerce school at uva</p>