<p>I'm in Chin 1A and apparently we have a quiz coming up on Tues. I don't know where to find the syllabus to make sure and Prof Yao (as I recall) did not give us the URL... please help</p>
<p>I'm in Chin 1A and apparently we have a quiz coming up on Tues. I don't know where to find the syllabus to make sure and Prof Yao (as I recall) did not give us the URL... please help</p>
you have a quiz already?</p>
<p>you can try looking on the registrar (class listings) and there should be a link to the syllabus and professor's email.</p>
<p>Sometimes the syllabus will be posted on MyUCLA.</p>
<p>I second that.
Or perhaps you should've asked the professor himself.
Didn't you have his class on Thursday (assuming you have lecture with him every Tuesday and Thursday).</p>
<p>yea i had her class on thurs but i was way too busy laughing at her chinese-family inside jokes that i completely forgot to ask. no worries i found it on humnet</p>