<p>I want to go to the top 5 universities in the world. I know that’s a lot to ask for, but hey! I dream big! :P</p>
<p>you didn’t hear this from me <em>cough</em> but the town of Amherst has a reputation around these parts as being like the overly-concious-mean-ish town of the 5 college area. just sayin’</p>
<p>Ahahs Rad ur back ;)</p>
<p>I prefer a small LAC, such as Swarthmore or Haverford…no intent to stay at a big university for 4 years or more…</p>
<p>Agreed. I don’t think I could learn at a school thats too big. Seriously lectures with 300 kids? Unless I am on ritalin I don’t think I am going to be able to pay attention.</p>
<p>i like LACs but I’d rather be in a small city than middle of nowhere (ie- Williams. most LACs) Trinity is in Hartford but its wicked small and Smith is all-girls.
You guys know of any in smallish cities/towns?</p>
<p>I actually like lecture halls a lot I like the “learning feel” of it. Plus I tend to chat it up w/o feeling like everyone can here me lol
better for snarky comments.</p>
<p>You would RIP, you would. Haha. I like peace and quiet so cities aren’t really my thing. They are always entertaining but IDK if I could live in one.</p>
<p>Berkeley would be good ! But any school in California since I live here or possibly east coast</p>
<p>I would what?
that’s why i said smallish cities/towns like Northampton, etc</p>
<p>@gryffindor17: East Coast is the Beast Coast remember that</p>
<p>^ west coast is the best coast!</p>
<p>reeeeeed is gorgeous…</p>
<p>You guys… are way to young to think about college. I mean going to boarding school is one thing, but when I was in eighth grade all I had was just some unrealistic dream of going to Princeton… like Oooh! I like that school! I wanna go there!</p>
<p>but a lot of us are rising sophomores/juniors. Aren’t we supposed to think about college now?</p>
<p>Well the OP is a rising freshman.</p>
<p>Georgetown, Oberlin, Columbia, University of Chicago or Brown.</p>
<p>Stanford, Harvey Mudd, and maybe MIT</p>
<p>No, OP is a rising sophomore, rushandcrush. ;)</p>
<p>Oh lawd…</p>
<p>Hmmm. My list goes like this:</p>
<li>Oxford (UK)</li>
<li>Cambridge (UK)</li>
<li>John Hopkins</li>
<p>If all else fails, there are always the excellent after-schools in Denmark which I can attend for free and which also offer an amazing education.</p>
<p>If you apply to Oxford, you can’t apply to Cambridge then…</p>
<p>@DeterminedDude, my #1 choice is Stanford too! My second is probably Harvard, followed by Oxford, then MIT… haha. I’m not very sure yet, actually. I feel like I’m too young to decide what I really want to do with my life yet.</p>