<p>I am just a kid. </p>
<p>I am 17 and a freshman in college. I am not sure what I want in life in yet. I got to a medicore school; large state school. One of those steroptypical large southern State schools. </p>
<p>Everything about me is pretty normal. The only deviations that when I was 15, I start a business with 200 bucks that is probably worth 120k now; I take ikn about 8 grand a month in revenue. Then people start to give me oppotunities and I excelled in them. I did internsips where it would never been possible if it wasn't for the business. I worked for companies that accepted who I am and sort of fostered my entreprenuerial spirit. My current job is with a company that takes 500k a year, and basically, I get a budget, a time frame, and a goal, and I get paid well to do things for them and I guess I am okay in that. I am also the minorty partner. I conduct mostly marketing campaigns. </p>
<p>But I do not excel in the classroom. After I started my business, I just had such a stronger desire to challenge the real world and as a result, I pretty much put my school work on the back burner. I am not a dumb kid and I maintained medicore GPA in high school and so far in college. </p>
<p>I applied to several top schools in the country out of high school. A combination my ECs and several good recommendation letters from people I worked for; hedge fund mangaers, business school profs got me on-site interviews with a few of them. I live nearby to the schools I applied so 2 of them granted me informal interviews with an admission office. It wasn't really an interview but rather a talk to get to me better. Eventually, I was rejected/waitlisted from all of them due to my grades and SAT. An admission director told me that I had the ECs to go to anywhere but just not enough SAT. </p>
<p>So I ended up in a state school with a scholarship in their honors program. I am not really happy here since the business prgoram here is not given enough attention. I want to transfer but then again, I dont know if my grades will cut it and I didn't really think of transferring until recently and I do not meet the basic course requirements for a lot of school's business program. </p>
<p>So I am not even sure what I want to do? I even thought about dropping out; I am doing horrible in an entreprenuership class even I manage employees and grow a business in addtion to working as consultants to companies. I do a lot of things in free time relating to business but I just can not excel in school and I have no idea why. I work hard but I just totally blows in all my business classes. I guess the stuff on paper just dont make sense to me whereas the real life stuff does. </p>
<p>So in the end, I am still unsure and unclear where I should do. I am not happy here; in school, no one gives a crap about me. But outside, everyone gives me a chance. I dont know why: I always considered myself lucky just to be where I am. I remmeber applying for random internships over the summer and people, wether I am even remotely qualified or not, always give me an interview and sit down and talk me and encourage me to update them on my progress.</p>
<p>I guess I can try to transfer but if a school were to accept me, it would probably largely based on my ECs as my grades are generally medicore so are my test scores. Then again, reading the transfer booklet where they say, "our average transfer GPA is....." really discourages me.</p>
<p>I have done 2 internships so far since HS( 1 at a PR agency and 1 2.5 yr internship at a top 5 biz school), runs a business, works for a real estate developing marketing plans( think I will get a license soon, taking classes for that now), and serves a minority partner(marketing consulant) in the 500k business I was talking about. My HS UW GPA was something like 3.1 and weighted pushes me towards 4, something close to 3.9 I think. My first semster college GPA is prolly around 3.0-3.5; it took em a really long time to adjust to college and the new enviroment for some reason. For the first month, I couldn't sleep at night for some reason and that totally screwed me over. And my SAT is 1250(highest score Math+ English)</p>
<p>And I apologize for the long post, I am just really confused as to where I am headed. </p>
<p>Please advice. </p>
<p>Thanks. </p>