<p>I am rising Sophmore, and i will taking Eng 2H, Alg2 H, Precalc H, Spanish 3 and 4 H, Chem and Physics H, World History H. I have a 3.8 Unweighted and a 4.0 Weighted. Rank 333 out of 1430. Can you tell me where i stand to becoming accepted into an Ivy league School. I want to go there for career reasons and personel reasons.
Thanks for any feedback.</p>
<p>hm........... might wanna work on those english skills.</p>
<p>i am rising sophmore
<p>Thanks, anyone else?</p>
<p>on the ground</p>
<p>^Not comprehending?</p>
<p>title= "where i stand"
answer= "on the ground.</p>
<p>333 of 1400 is not good. sorry</p>