Where is my email and Wavenet account?

<p>I did not receive an email today so I tried to log on to my wavenet account and I flat out can't. It said "Your User ID and/or Password are invalid". Anyone else having this problem?</p>

<p>Your user ID “may” be your first letter of first name, first letter of middle name, and last name. The password is a random string of characters. Are you sure that you are putting in the right details?</p>

<p>I am 99% positive I am entering the correct stuff. I have checked caps lock and everything. I went to the forgot password thing and it is asking me questions I would never know. Who would ever remember the first person who cut your hair? I don’t even remember the name of the person who cut my hair 2 months ago.</p>

<p>we went through this today and discovered our error was in the use of the “1” and the “capital I”. You did change your password after they sent the long random string of characters to you? You might want to go back and try the password they originally sent you, that’s what finally worked for us to get onto the wavenet account.</p>

<p>I never received an email with a long sting of random numbers for a password. Did they do this recently?</p>

<p>This came right after starting the application, so way back in September for DD</p>

<p>jk, I found the email. Sorry for being annoying and thank you for the help.</p>