<p>I want to become a doctor, that is set in stone; however, I do not want to experience the same hurdles I did in high school trying to get into college. I want to go to a four year university that will help me get into Harvard Medical school. So, I am curious...if I plan on having a 4.0 GPA being apart of research all four years of my pre-med program and have a high score on the MCATs, will that be enough to get me into Harvard Medical school from:</p>
<p>Fairfield University?</p>
<p>Merrimack College?</p>
<p>Boston College?</p>
<p>Mind you I already have two years of college done and I am still in high school...the GPA there is a 4.0, I have done research those two years, and I am apart of a few clubs. I am probably going to sacrifice my units from the past two years to enjoy the full pre med experience. So, I know I will be able to complete my undergrad for medical school...I just need to make sure that, the undergraduate program I choose will allow me a semi easy transfer into the medical school of my choice so long as all my stats are top of the line.</p>
<p>Thank you for any help you can provide</p>