<p>I thought I knew where I wanted to go, but after looking at this board, I feel like a community college is the only place for me....</p>
<p>neway... here are my stats, and if you guys could give me some insight as to some matches, that would be huge</p>
<p>im looking to go into business...
no preference in terms of location, size, etc of college</p>
junior @ a toptier catholic high school</p>
<p>3.7 GPA (uw), 3.9 (weighted)
Act: 31
<p>here are my honors classes...
10th grade:Honors Physics, Honors English, AP Gov,
11th grade: Honors Chemistry, Honors English, AP US, Honors Geometry
12th grade: Honors BioChem, AP English, AP Euro, Honors Calc</p>
<p>Editor In chief of School Paper
200 hrs community service
Model UN
Church Youth group
student Senate
service team
spanish club
NGCL Basketball
Internship with congressman</p>
<p>summer programs:
Presidential Classroom (innaguration)
University of Virginia Math and Science Scholar: Economics class dealing with stock market</p>
<p>association memberships:
who's who
<p>fluent in 2 languages--lithuanian and english
parents are both immigrants, one with masters, one is high school drop out
english was second language</p>
<p>job @ local grocery store: 25hrs a week </p>
<p>Thanks in advance </p>
<p>Potential Schools:
University of Michigan
University of Virginia
Duke University
Boston College</p>
<p>any recommendations would be great...thanks a lot</p>