Where should I go?

<p>I am ending my sophomore year in June, so I want to have an idea what will be reach/match/safety. My GPA is approx. 4.3 weighted, and I'm in all honors classes. I'm taking the first part of AP US history now (its split up @ my school).
Next year I'll be taking honors LA III, Spanish IV honors, honors Precalc, honors Physics, APUS history 2.
I haven't taken the SAT, but on the PSAT i got a 620 on math, 640 on CR, and 600 on writing. When i take it in the fall i want to definitely score better.
As extracurriculars go, I am in the marching/concert/and jazz band, varsity golf team, varsity swim team, academic team, national honors society, I am the layout editor of our schools' nationally credited newspaper. I'm also in FBLA, and i plan on running for a leadership position for senior year. I also want to run for student council.
I am looking at architecture-because i am smart and I like to be creative and draw.</p>

<p>Does anyone have an idea what colleges I should aim for?
PS- I'm from Jersey, I want to go somewhere with nice weather and a good academic ranking. My favorite is UVA.</p>

<p>Do you care about the size of the school? For LACS and good weather and rankings, look at the Pomona, Claremont McKenna, and Occidental. For universities, Stanford and Emory would be good, but if you want a public school, look at Berkeley and UCLA.</p>

<p>Well im probably gonna go to a university and I’ll probably stay on the east coast…you look like a west coaster to me according from the schools you listed. It would be goo if you knew any safeties or anything of that nature-with a good BArch program</p>

<p>Have you spoken with your parents yet about how they are planning to pay for your education? How much will you be responsible for? Sit down with them and talk about this issue. Ask them to run the financial aid calculators at [FinAid</a>! Financial Aid, College Scholarships and Student Loans](<a href=“http://www.finaid.org%5DFinAid”>http://www.finaid.org) and [College</a> Calculators - savings calculators - college costs, loans](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>How Much Will College Cost – BigFuture | College Board) You do not want any big surprises in April of your senior year!</p>

<p>You are in New Jersey. One of your financial safeties will probably be Rutgers. I’ve noticed that students in New Jersey seem to have a low opinion of Rutgers. Please note that people outside of New Jersey, and grown-ups in general, don’t seem to share that low opinion.</p>

<p>What happymomof1 said is true. I’d normally have you apply to Rutgers NB, as a backup and, as she described it, your “financial safety school”. But you want to study architecture, and Rutgers doesn’t have an accredited architecture program. NJIT does, and they’re public, so perhaps they are worth considering in place of Rutgers. </p>

<p>Please note that a lot of states require that architects have graduated from an NAAB accredited architecture program, so you either need to go to an NAAB accredited undergrad program, or to plan on attending an NAAB accredited grad school. You may want to have a look at the schools on this list and see if you like any of them:</p>

<p>[NAAB:</a> Schools Database](<a href=“- NAAB Website”>- NAAB Website)</p>

<p>I assume you’ll have a portfolio, yes?</p>

<p>Yeah probably. I just need to figure out what to put in it. My friend’s older bro goes the NJIT architecture and supposedly it’s a really good school. Since college is a few years away, though, I am not completely sure about my major. All I know I want my job to be interesting and fun. I also want to be very comfortable, if not loaded (haha). If you guys have any other major suggestions, feel free to help me out.</p>

<p>A state school makes a lot of sense. Virginia Tech meets your criteria and is a top undergraduate school of architecture.</p>

<p>how about Wake Forest?</p>