i want to apply EA to a school (ED not an option for financial reasons) but i don’t know where i would have the best chance of getting in out of Harvard, Yale, Stanford. i know they’re all top schools and everything, but does one admit more students EA than another?
some of my stats:
1600 SAT, 740 SAT II writing, 800 history, 800 lit
ranked 9/600
GPA around 3.8 ( i made 5 B’s sophomore year, will this make a big difference? all other years were all A’s.)
normal EC’s… really involved with band, sec of NHS, president/founder of political club, etc.
i don’t really have a hook
i wanna go to all of the schools equally, i’d just really like to get in to one of them EA so i can have that assurance. any advice or comments would be appreciated =)