<p>I have a friend who had planned to attend a community college but is now considering the traditional college route. She's a little behind in the process and I've been trying to offer some suggestions as to where she should be applying and keeping her from getting overwhelmed. If some of the lovely posters on this board might be able to give some reaches, matches and safties for her I'd very much appreciate it.</p>
<p>She's considering NYU as a reach and also likes the idea of going to Wheaton College, although she hasn't really made up her mind about it.</p>
<p>GPA 3.17 UW/I'm not sure weighted, maybe 3.3-3.4, but I'm not certain
Class rank ~top 30%
SATs & SAT IIs-hasn't taken yet
Courseload-All/Almost all honors classes freshman and sophomore years, Junior/senior years regular classes except AP Chemistry, IB Psychology, IB History and IB Theatre Arts</p>
<p>She's taken up to Algebra 2 in math but hasn't taken any math in the past two years...will that fulfill most math requirements or no?</p>
<p>ECs: Poets & Writers Club (2 years), Mock Trial Team (2 years), CSF (1 year), Library Club (2-3 years), Key Club (1 year), stage crew on all the school drama productions in the last two years...there may be more.</p>
<p>She's had a part-time job the last two years as well.</p>
<p>She's planning on going into elementary or secondary school education, preferrably teaching drama. She'd like to go to school in Illinois, Michigan or New York. We've already done a few searches and such. She's expressed interest in DePaul University and Eureka College, if that helps. I was just thinking that you all might be able to offer some possiblities that she hasn't previously considered or heard of.</p>
<p>I realize that you might need more information, and I apologize that the stuff I've listed here is a little incomplete, but any advice you could give would be great.</p>