Where to go to college???

Hey guys okay so Im panicking like crazy on my college search because applications are right around the corner. I’m an male international student and I really want to go to America but the problem is it seems nearly impossible. I like the Northeastern area of the United States because a lot of the high rated schools seem to be located up there. I want a school thats known as a great place and will accept me despite being an international student. The next problem is I’m not eligible for financial aid since I’m an international student, but is there some place that could somehow help me? Either with lower tuition, or grants and scholarships given to people like me.

So could you guys give me some great universities that are known and successful, while still being a realistic shot for me?

Here are my EC’s and stuff if it matters:

SAT score of 1400 (English isnt even my first language though)
GPA of about 3.7
Citizenship Award in 11th Grade
Student Government President of my class

Been working since I was in 9th grade
Drama since 9th grade
Health club since 10th grade
Health awarness presentation in a University and won second place in 10th grade
GYLC nominated in 10th and 11th
Technology crew since 11th grade
Stage decoration crew since 11th grade
Leadership retreat and workshop in 11th grade
MUN in 10th grade (Im only allowed to do this for 1 year)
Fundraising in assistance with prom committee 12th grade
Volunteering through my community since 9th grade
Won best Science fair project in my grade and highschool since 9th grade

Played the piano for 3 years
Fluent in Porutguese, Arabic, and English

Thanks a lot

Is that 1400/1600 or 1400/2400?
Why aren’t you allowed to do MUN more than one year? Being trilingual and salutatorian are great but you’ll need high test scores (1400/1600).
As an international student who needs financial aid, you can’t be picky as to which area you’ll go to.
If your test scores aren’t good enough this year, you need to take a gap year, structure your time with volunteering and prepping, and score high.

What area are looking into? Do you have any colleges in mind?

Community colleges?