<p>Does ACT release exams from previous years for purchase? I've gone through nearly all my prep books and I need some more review. Also I have an exam from 2002 but no answer key; where can I find one?</p>
<p>I would like to know the same too.</p>
<p>I don't think they release the old tests...
there should be at least one practice test on the website.</p>
<p>^ um thanks mrs obvious!</p>
<p>Um There is a book called the real act by the official test organization which has 3 real practice tests.</p>
<p>ok guys lets get this straight: this guy is clearly asking for previously released ACT exams. I'm sure he has gone through the official ACT prep book with 3 ACT practice tests and the practice test on the website.</p>
<p>and your posts are really helping?
instead of saying we aren't helping why don't you help?</p>
<p>ACT has an online course you can purchase for about $20 that gives you access to two more exams (albeit only online -- you can't print them out). Old exams are hard to find. I just bought four from someone on amazon.com, but I think I might have purchased the last copies.</p>
<p>Godot clear your PMs....</p>
<p>Godot, can you clear your private messages?</p>
<p>I have gone through the official ACT prep book. All 3 version I own :) Oh well, looks like the search continues. </p>
<p>Can't wait til Saturday!</p>