Where were you when you joined CC? Where are you now?

@westparent123 What was your screen name back in the early days?

I joined in October 2011; D1 was a HS senior. I had been reading for about a year before. I still read and post in the class of 2012–that group has been especially tight and there are still updates as our kids launch, attend grad schools, and get married. I never got as attached to 2016 for D2. IRL, my friends are parents of D1’s and S1’s classmates. D2 is our youngest and her classmates were mostly first-horns; I had almost nothing in common with those parents. It was hard to keep my mouth shut when college apps rolled around.

These days, I primarily read the cafe because it’s so highly addictive and hard to give up. Many posters are thoughtful, kind, helpful, and very intelligent. I have learned so much about so many topics that had never appeared on my radar before! Too many threads to highlight.

I have the same lifestyle since I started: still practice dentistry, lived in the same house for 30 years, married 36 years, 4 kids, 1 DIL, 1 almost SIL, and a very special granddaughter. Not quite at Medicare age, but over 60.

@MomofWildChild: mcat2.
I have been away from CC for quite a many years (due to layoff/moving and busy on building up my next “career”) and forgot both my password and the email account I used to use on CC many years ago (provided by some ISVs, either “2wire/att” Or even “gte” during dial-up internet access days) and I no longer have access to the ISV email account (no longer interested in using such an old-style emailer on a client computer anymore today.) So I could not revive my old account.

Was it a TTT forum? :wink:

I joined in 2000/2001 school year, I believe. I know I was on that other forum then, and when I joined CC there were not many posters, not much action, I checked it, perhaps weekly or monthly. It was not much help for kid #1, but for kid #2 a few years later, well we had 6/7 acceptances and a great process. Kid #3 was easy as could be, applied to 1 place. I sort of felt like I was squandering all my knowledge with that. It’s been 4 undergrad and 4 graduate degrees… I’ve stuck around to give back where I could and because CC is smart educated people talking about things that happen in real life & is more reliable than network news. Over 10 years ago, I connected off site with some other women who have been the source of both general support and interest, but also made a real difference in my life a few times. My family is a little bit amazed at what CC has brought to us.

I remember Curmudgeon, and SunriseEast and Carolyn, the red shoes cancer thread etc. Like CalMom, I work from home and it’s easy to have CC open and peruse it when I am on hold.

I remember you, @mcat2 !

Hi somemom,
Nice to meet you again on the CC forum. I still remember you at one time helped me in the application process many years ago, like it could take a while to accept the application fees when you paid by paper check. Your D’s application cycle is one year before my S if I remember it correctly.

I can’t even remember when I started hanging out here…I think I found the forum doing a search for NMS qualifying scores. Went from stay at home mom of three to part time employment to getting teaching certificate and years of teaching science.

I won’t name that “other” forum.
What has kept me visiting here has been the caring, intelligent and diverse base of parents who will gladly advise and help with just about anything from colonoscopies to the right heels for a garden wedding to how to cope with addiction and suicide. How to snake a toilet, remodel a million dollar home, and how to pack for freshman year. How to cope with declining parents, mental illness and what to do about “that “ relative.
I kind of love you all despite the fact that I have no idea who you are.

Joined in 2007 when D1 was a HS junior. Had some inane question about language offerings at a reach school where D was never admitted. :slight_smile: Was married and living in MN at the time.

Now divorced, live in the PNW, and youngest kid is in a PhD program.

I joined in August of 2007 to ask a question about a college baby kiddo was interested in. Since then, the Bunsen clan has collectively earned 1 bachelors, 3 masters, and 3 doctorate degrees. One more masters, and we all will wear purple and gold with pride! :slight_smile:

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SunriseEast: one the the most moving threads I ever read. Her written journey was filled with honesty, medical brilliance, and raw feeling. It brings tears to my eyes just remembering…she was so amazing.

I really like the wealth of knowledge shared especially in the Parent Cafe. It’s really my go to place in case I am having difficulty getting answers in my “real” life. Folks here are going through a lot of the same things I and my family are.

I did join before the format switched to the “new one” so it was likely before the 7/2005 this site says. Am still married and still have 2 great kids — we have all dealt with chronic health issues.

I joined around Dec of 2006, when D1 was applying to ED. It was a disastrous application process for D1. Since then I have learned a lot about the college application process and life in general. Life has changed a lot for me. My father passed away very unexpectedly, I got divorced after 30 years of marriage, and was let go from my job, all within a year. All of that led me to re-examine my life in terms of what’s important to me. After 5+ years of “finding myself,” I am finally doing something I like, I am happy being single (won’t rule out having someone in my life some day), and very proud of where my kids are now.

D1 is doing very well at work and is happily married to someone whom she dated for 8 years. I am crossing my fingers that I may be a grandma soon (no pressure, of course). D2 is in law school and is in a good relationship. We are all finding our equilibrium after the divorce and we all seem to be in a good place now.

I am humbled by diverse intelligent/expertise so many people bring to this forum. I have certainly learned from so many parents here. I used to be a lot more black and white about issues, but after reading some posts here from some very smart people here, I have changed some of my views. I have a group of CC friends whom I communicate in private regularly. We have shared a lot of trials and tribulations in our lives over the last 10+years. We jokingly said someone should make a movie of us some day (I would want Lucy Liu to play me).

@dentmom4 I, too, remember sunriseeast. I followed her journey closely as her posts were so candid and eloquent She unselfishly replied to my PMs as I dealt with my mom’s death from cancer. I feel so fortunate to have met her on cc.

@oldfort - I have dibs on Meryl to play me. My husband’s ex-boss used to say that I looked like her. I think he got confused Meryl with Helen (Mirren ) :wink:

It says I joined in October 2005, but I discovered the old forum in Spring 2004. My D wanted to major in musical theater so I did a google search and found CC. I was divorced, raising D and younger S, working full time, trying to maintain my home, and very active in my kids’ school activities.

Today I’m still single (love it!), live in the same (too big) house, and work at the same job. D earned her BM and moved overseas to teach English for nearly three years, came home, got her teaching certificate and now teaches theatre in a nearby town. S did not go to college (well a few classes at the local junior college). He moved away, now back in my town, married and expecting my first grandbaby in April!

I contributed to the MT forum for a while until my knowledge became outdated and only happened upon the parent cafe in the past few years. I enjoy the threads about TV shows (Project Runway, The Voice, etc) because I don’t have any real life friends to discuss them with.

I am 61 and will be working until I’m 70, although maybe I can scale it back to part time after I get some bills paid off.

I’d like Aquafina to play me but sadly I’m probably more like Constance Wu’s mom, the realtor.


It’s possible to revive an old account. There is a “trouble logging in” link on the sign in page, and a “contact” link at the bottom of every single page. What can’t be done per forum rules is open a new account.

i’m a newbie - I joined in March 2017 after googling “colleges for C students” for S17!! LOL Not much has changed for me; S17 is now a sophomore at a state college and I’m still trolling for D21. I’ll start picking everyone’s brains on her schools in the next year or so (thankfully not a C student this time around!!

I joined in June 2005 when Kid#1 was finishing his HS junior year, and Kid#7 was a nursing baby. #1 is now 30, is a vice-principal/teacher, married, and has a baby girl. And my baby #7 is finishing 8th grade! Where did all those years go?
I’ve been through so many things since '05–including quite a few difficult/sad times (deaths in family, etc., etc.) Moved in '08 (after two moves in '03and '04). Was a long-time homeschooler–my younger kids all entered public school in '08-09. The busy time of life, raising teenagers–all the activities, sports, lessons, music and theater performances, orthodontist appointments, driving lessons, etc. Yikes! And menopause. And H has changed jobs 3 times…and now we’re grandparents.
CC has always been there in the background as a social outlet/time-waster. At times I found it fairly addictive, and even “Gave it up for Lent” a few times! I have connected with a few other posters, but haven’t met any in person. I also wonder whatever happened to some of the well-known posters (B, Ma, Mo, N…) from 10+ years ago. In general, I appreciate the intelligence of CC parents–and their (usually) excellent grammar, spelling, and manners!
My oldest 4 kids graduated from college in '10, '13, '16, '18–with 3 NMFs among them. I have posted a bit on test prep–I’ve tutored math/SAT/ACT since ‘04–and the NM program over the years. With a big family, I was always looking for merit $. Sometimes I read students’ essays on CC–in another life I was an ESL/literature teacher.
Kid#2 finished grad school in '17, works in Italy, is planning her summer wedding. Kid #3 is a software developer, #4 is a game developer/writer. Kid#5 is now in college with full-tution. Kid #6 is a HS junior, looking at college options. With #7 just planning her 9th grade schedule, I guess I’ll be on CC a few more years.

Joined CC in March 2016 when my son got his acceptance letters and we were looking for information to help make sense of his offers and choices. Now he’s a junior at his college of choice and doing well.

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