Where would you rank Cornell?

<p>Just wondering about the world rank of Cornell.</p>

<p>Depends on the ranking system...</p>

<p>If it is alphabetical I’d put it right behind Cooper Union</p>

<p>But seriously...I'd probably put Cornell 1st, probably because I’m biased. I'd suggest you post this in the "College Search and Admissions" thread. It's probably not as biased.</p>

<p>for architecture, its #1, and probably in the top 3 in the world (thats why i applied there ED). #1 hotel school. #1 ice cream and food.</p>

<h1>1 engineernig in the ivy league...one of the top programs in the country</h1>

<p>is that true Cornell's ILR school is the only undergraduate school in the country which studys in the field for workforces???</p>

<p>here's a site for colleges ranking over the world
<a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/TGD/picture/0,,348516,00.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.timesonline.co.uk/TGD/picture/0,,348516,00.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^ As far as I know yes</p>

<p>hahaha brown and dartmouth so far behind</p>

<p>"is that true Cornell's ILR school is the only undergraduate school in the country which studys in the field for workforces???"</p>

<p>ILR is the only school that takes the issues and puts them in a separate school with expanded programs. You'll find identical if not very similar programs at most major business schools including Wharton, MIT, Harvard, Cal, Stanford, Columbia, and on and on. Fields such as HR, or organizational behavior are available at the business schools of these schools, while areas such as collective bargaining and labor law tend to be focused in the law schools. ILR just puts all of it into one school. Oh, and yeah, all of the fields in ILR are considered to be second to none in the US.</p>

<p>those rankings are flawed. Brown is way behind, but the placement that Brown gives is definately superiour to places ranked ahead like umich and such.</p>

<p>Yeah, those rankings are pretty crazy.
I agree that Cornell could be #15 in the world, but Brown and Dartmouth should be much higher, ahead of a bunch of other US schools (San Diego?).</p>

<p>They go on a lot of crap like Nobel winners and research and other junk that has very little effect on undergrads especially.</p>

<p>cornell is usually in the top 20 in most world rankings</p>

<p>i think that cornell is the aaaawwweeesssooommmeeesssttt place ever BUT:</p>


<p>lol its funny cause everyone ranks cornell last, yet, as an international applicant, where i used to live, no one has even heard of brown or dartmouth</p>

<p>and even now that im in PA right now, kids in my school are like "MIT? whats MIT huh?"</p>

<p>The ranking would depend on the specifics one is looking for obviously, but holistically, I'd say:</p>

<p>Harvard, Yale, Princeton
Columbia, Cornell
Penn, Brown, Dartmouth</p>

<p>... but for engineering, Cornell > all :)</p>

<p>That's a tough question to answer. Are we talking about overall rank or specific rankings? </p>

In the US, I would say Cornell is ranked anywhere between #6 and #18. I see no difference among universities in that range. Internationally, I would say Cornell is one of the World's top 25 or top 30 universities. </p>

In the US, I think it is safe to say that Cornell Engineering is ranked anywhere between #5 and #10. Only Cal, Caltech, MIT and Stanford are considered "better". Internationally, only a handful (Munich Technical in Germany, Imperial in London, Polytechnique in France, Tokyo in Japan) of universities can compete with Cornell, but I doubt any of those are actually better.</p>

In the US, Cornell's science departments as a whole are considered among the very best. I would rank Cornell anywhere between #6 and #10 in the Sciences, with only Cal, Caltech, Harvard, MIT and Stanford above it. Internationally, only a handful of universities are equal or better than Cornell in the Sciences.</p>

<p>Humanities and Social Sciences:
That's Cornell's weakest link, and even then, I would say Cornell's Humanities and Social Science departments as a group rank among the top 15 in the country.</p>

<p>Hansen-- you are correct! when i lived overseas and even my parents now...and ppl I talked to know cornell...they don't know brown, dartmouth, or penn...even firms...they seriously don't really care about ranking, they're like...cornell..wow! famous school...so those ppl who rank cornell last in ivy is wrong b/c it's actually one of the worldwide known school...</p>

<p>Alexandre = correct</p>

<p>What about UMich for engineering? I thought they were on the level with Cornell if not better.</p>