<p>I haven't heard anything from my cyberson! Is Blip at Kenyon and how is he doing?</p>
<p>blip is very much at Kenyon and I think he is having a good time. i will let him know that you are asking for him.</p>
<p>Thanks chochu! They grow up so fast, move away, never call, act like they don't know you....</p>
<p>haha, yeah...maybe so...
havent met him yet, will let him know as soon as i do.</p>
<p>I am here..I am here!!!!....I just missed calling him ONCE and he has already started complaining that I forgot him(grins..:D)....How are you doing Doddsdad?...So has my cyber brother decided about applying EDI to Kenyon???</p>
<p>Kenyon has been so awesome that I am completely engulfed in the Kenyon bubble....This place is so amazing...!! And the courses couldnt be better than the ones I am having...They are very challenging, hence I am growing.....</p>
<p>Its good to be back at CC!!!:),,How are all of you people doing????</p>
<p>P.S: This is the 1001 post in Kenyon sub forum at CC....GO Lords & Ladies!!! I have even started liking the color 'purple'...</p>
<p>Hi Blip!
I'm happy to hear that you arrived at Gambier safely and Kenyon is everything you wanted! Your cyberbrother will be applying, but not ED. We don't have the financial means to go that route. However, we're hoping for the best. I've heard from a couple of other Kenyon parents and they are very enthusiastic. </p>
<p>DS has been wearing his "Kenyon is not next to Uganda" T-shirt for a few months now. I have to admit, I'm still trying to adjust to the purple color. However, he doesn't seem to mind, and that's what counts. </p>
<p>I know you'll be busy, but let us know how its going for you.</p>