which bank in switzerland should I do internship for?

<p>hey, i'm going to a top 10 ug biz program and really want to do ibanking later.. so, one of my relatives has nice connections to a lot of banks in switzerland. (he's been there for decades). which bank should I consider? which bank would help me the MOST?</p>

<p>THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>get out of here</p>

<p>UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) and Credit Suisse (now Credit Suisse First Boston) are the top swiss banks...</p>

<p>may I ask which languages you speak? Hopefully you speak either Schwyzertüütsch, Deutsch or Français because most banking in Switzerland is done in Zürich, Basel, or Genève. </p>

<p>btw, I'm swiss :)</p>

<p>DARN! i only speak English and Chinese and very limited German...........</p>

<p>my step-father's Swiss friend just came over to my house weeks ago, he spoke perfect English, with a little Swiss accent :)</p>

<p>well i guess if the guy is pretty well connected he could help you land a job at a swiss bank's US or China office(s)...</p>

<p>hey bern700, do you attend wharton?</p>

<p>yes why do you ask?</p>

<p>Cuz you reek of it :P Just kidding bern...I'm off to the big W next year too. Excited! Any general advice for me?</p>

<p>part of management 100 is graded in kind of a *<strong><em>ed up way. I think like 30% of your grade is based on peer appraisals but it's not like in h.s. where you just give everyone in your group a good grade (come on who wants to *</em></strong> over their friends?), in management 100 out of your group a 10...2 people get 5/5, 3 get 4/5, 3 get 3/5, and 2 get 2/5. So in your group work your ass off (or at least pretend so people don't think youre a slacker) and also be really chill and nice with your group...if youre a good worker but kind of a pushy prick then people will still give you a bad grade.</p>

<p>also make fun of all the MBAs you see walking around huntsman...you'll see they walk around in their nice $3000 suits pretending like the own the place.</p>