Which business Major? Which School?

<p>Im pretty sure I want to major in business but im not sure what branch of it. I was thinking management..but im not sure. Im not so great at math. Like i dont suck at it but its definetly not something I enjoy, atleast not Calculus. </p>

<p>What are some good majors? Im taking accounting this year (senior year) and im pretty good at it but its not that funn hah.</p>

<p>Also, my top 2 schools are Northeastern University and Boston University....which is better for business? I really like Northeastern's co-op program. It isnt an iv, but the co-op gives it an edge that most schools dont have, including NYU. </p>

<p>Feedback please!</p>

<p>All depends upon the person–what do you like to do–sales? studying business processes? leading project teams? handle getting parts and products distributed around the world? handling legal contracts and giving legal advice? doing pitches to wall street bankers? auditing the financial records and making sure the companies are complying with governmental rules or tax law?</p>

<p>The majors associated with each of the above would be (in order): Marketing, Operations Research/Business Process Technology, Management/Project Management, Logistics/Supply Chain Management, Business Law/Legal Studies, Finance, and Accounting.</p>

<p>As far as which college to go to, both have their advantages: Boston University is the slightly higher rated school and business program, but Northeastern’s co-op program is highly though of and gives one a chance to get that internship job easily. Just go to the school where you feel most comfortable–they are both in the Boston area, so location shouldn’t be a consideraion in choosing between the two.</p>

<p>The co-op program is a joke.</p>

<p>Why do you think that?</p>

<p>Because it doesn’t give you any sort of advantage over anyone at other schools.</p>

<p>it does not give you an advantage over other schools especially not NYU</p>

<p>work experience is important but so is school recognition
at NYU, since it is like 10 mins from wallstreet, alot of kids intern or part time at a firm during their fall, spring and summer</p>

<p>i know freshmen at bulge brackets and hedge funds</p>

<p>work experience is important but it does not require you to take a whole semester off just to get that experience</p>

<p>BU v. NE i would say BU has much better name and program</p>

<p>Well, Mr. Stern, while what you said might be true, one thing you Sternies need to realize (and don’t) is that not everyone wants to work on Wall Street. Some of us would rather play in traffic.</p>

<p>the bad thing i keep here about BU is grade deflation</p>

<p>BU is pretty tough, I can tell you that for sure.</p>

<p>Actually, if you are interested in business, you are better off academically and connection wise, in my opnion, attending a school such as Bentley or Babson, over Northeastern or Boston University UNLESS you want the “bigger school, more diversified” culture found at these latter schools.</p>

<p>hahahah this thread is a joke
look at Business Weeks 2009 rankings</p>

<h1>26 Northeastern vs. #44 Boston University</h1>

<p>NU tops BU in all rankings for undergrad business including a higher starting salary and better academics
and the guy who says the co op is a joke is rather ignorant because alot of successful NU business alumni say co ops were one of the reasons they were so successful</p>

<p>Red_Glory, you want to hear another joke?</p>

<p>Those Business Week rankings.</p>

<p>alright sp1212 how do you judge which one has a better business school
i’ve done a lot of research on both schools and northeastern is the clear winner for a business under grad…not saying its a better university overall
which is why i’m already choosing northeastern before even hearing back from BU
btw you wouldn’t happen to be a business major at BU would you?
and tell me the Business Week is a joke?
I’d say it knows more about the business schools than U.S. news rankings which to me is more of a joke</p>