Which Cal State should I go to?

<p>I'm a international student eligible for an exchange in California. Now I have to choose to which Cal State campus I'd like to go to. My choices are: Bakersfield, Chico, Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, Humbolt, Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, Pomona, Sacramento, San Bernanardino, San Jose, Sonoma and Stanislaus. I'll mainly be taking business courses (management and marketing), but I'm also interested in communication. Preferably I'd like to go to a college that has a great student life and isn't too far away from everything else. However, I'm willing to compromise for a overall good university. Note that my favorites so far is SJSU, CSUF, CSA, CSUMB and possibly Cal Poly Pomona.</p>

<p>Toss Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, LA, Sacramento, San Bernadino, and Stanislaus. Those are commuter schools with little on campus life. I’d also scratch off Humboldt State since not only is it very isolated but it’s one of the druggiest Cal States out there (as in, it’s in an area whose main export is marijuana). </p>

<p>Although isolated, Chico State likely has the most vibrant social scene and a good business program. Sonoma State might be a good bet as it’s only an hour from San Francisco, although getting there might be a hassle owing to the multiple bus transfers. San Jose State has a decent on campus scene (although it’s still quite the commuter school) and a stronger business program. It’s also relatively easy to access much of exciting parts of San Francisco and surrounding cities since there are a number of public transit stations close to campus. I don’t know enough about CSUMB to comment on its campus life. </p>

<p>In Southern California, Cal Poly Pomona is a good option although it’s not in the most exciting parts of LA. Much stronger on campus scene than your other Southern California options.</p>

<p>I was thinking about skipping a lot of those options so it was good to hear someone confirm that. However, I’m still unsure about Fullerton. Sure the student life isn’t all that from what I’ve heard, but the courses seem really good. I’ll have to think about it. Also, Cal Poly Pomona and Fullerton seem like somewhat similar choices. Chico seems like a good contender, although I hear it’s quite the party school. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I suppose there are other things to do as well(?). So far I think SJSU is my favorite.</p>

<p>You will have better transportation options with SJSU in and around SJ and to SF.
Plus internships with tech companies, maybe some affiliated with companies in your home country.
Decide quickly because spots get taken.</p>

<p>Don’t go to Bakersfield. A relative of mine currently attends as a business major and the professors are extremely disappointing. </p>

<p>I think SJSU should be #1 for the reasons mentioned, followed by Pomona.</p>

<p>I don’t know if an international can score a paying internship. Fullerton’s strengths in business are helped out in part by the fact that it’s the only Cal State in Orange County. I’m not sure if the actual business curriculum is worth forgoing the better on campus life you’ll find at CPP or the other schools recommended.</p>

<p>Hm, well I have to pick a few and rank them (just in case I don’t get what I want). Right now I think SJSU, Chico and Sonoma are amongst my top choices (San Jose, as I said, is #1). I would appreciate to hear more about the student life on different campuses, Fullerton vs. Ponoma, Chico and CSUMB. Huge thanks to everyone who has responded so far, it really helps to hear what others have to say. Also, like whenhen I unfortunately don’t think international students can score internships easily so that isn’t really critical for me.</p>

<p>I can’t speak to the other schools but I do know that Pomona is in a not very attractive area of the city and you do need a car to get around the greater Los Angeles area. I know Pomona used to be more of a commuter school but they are making an effort to increase the on-campus student life. Everyone within a certain geographic area is now required to live on campus unless there is a very compelling reason to live at home. They are being intentional about increasing available student activities. Many of the students at Pomona are in the STEM fields.</p>

<p>Chico is beautiful and known as a party school but I know non-partying students who were very happy with their education there. I kind of think it might have the strongest social scene but you will find friends at any campus. Lots of beautiful nature there.</p>

<p>San Jose is in the area with the biggest variety of interesting things to do, IMO, being in the Bay area.</p>

<p>I’m in the service area of Fullerton and consequently know a number of students who’ve gone there, including a good friend. It is unquestionably a commuter school, and the area around campus is not particularly attractive. The campus itself isn’t great (somewhat reminiscent of the worst of the 1970s architecture) although it isn’t the ugliest CSU out there. However, on a more positive note, it’s one of the largest Cal States by UG enrollment, meaning that even if a rather small percent of students live on or near campus, that could mean that over 8,000 people live within biking distance. </p>

<p>As a side note, public transit in Orange County is even worse than in Los Angeles. </p>

<p>Calla1, Cal Poly Pomona graduates almost 32% of students in a business related discipline. It’s STEM focused, but not at the expense of its business program.</p>

<p>Each of the schools you list would be an OK place to spend a year. I think CSUMB is a bit isolated from town so, a car would be useful. Sonoma, a car would also be useful. Lots of great stuff to do in both areas but, little is walkable and public transit spotty.</p>

<p>Day to day, Chico students don’t need a car at all. Campus is walkable. Free busses take students to the mall and such. I suspect SJSU is the same - though linked to a much larger community. As a foreign student, I’d probably go there.</p>

<p>Fullerton has a good business school and enough to do close by to keep it interesting and fun. I would also keep Sacramento, Pomona, Chico, Sonoma, and San Jose on your list. I do not know where you are academically but make sure you put a safety or two on your list.</p>

<p>Thank you (all) so much for all the answers! You’re really being helpful. I’ve done a lot of research and my choices are narrowing down. Time isn’t really an issue since I’m a exchange student, altough I’ll be submitting my application soon. Also, driving shouldn’t be a problem as I know many other students from my school bought a car once they arrived in America. Admittedly, though, not having to have to own a car would be a plus. Right now I think my decision need to be based on how I feel about the different campuses and, of course, keep in mind that the school still need to be good in regards of courses and teachers. So keep your opinions coming, I’m sure others are being help by this thread as well.</p>

<p>I go to Chico State as a freshman now. When choosing my choices were between Chico and SJSU. I am verrrry happy with my choice in Chico. Although it is a party school, it gives that much more in the social scene. Everyone is so nice and willing to help and talk to you. The downtown area is literally a 5 minute walk. I have gained so many new friends and the campus is always doing something. In addition to that, Chico is very popular for their business school. Having a car is not essential at all. Everything is walking distance and we have a free bus system to take us to places out of reach. SJSU is a much larger school so if youre looking for a small active and fun community, I would suggest Chico.</p>

<p>IMO, it’s mainly about the academics here. If you’re STEM, you’ll get a great education. if not, I can’t comment on it because I don’t know anything outside of that. Having a car is essential if you want to go places, but I enjoyed my orientation immensely and I like the school a lot. We get good recruitment here. There is stuff going on campus usually, but I think a lot of students here are just focused on classes since a lot are STEM majors. All I do basically is go to class and study in the library…a lot of people hangout in the library. That being said, if you have a car you can do a ;pt and go to many places. Pomona as a city sucks, but the campus is beautiful. If you take a jogging class here you’ll see a lot of it.</p>