Which Class for Colleges?

<p>Now comes the time to set my schedule for junior year.
This is what I'm thinking of:
AP Comp Lit 3
AP Bio/Environmental
Spanish 3 Honors

<p>My dilemma:
I'm twisting around the AP US and AP of sciences. Would it be a huge dock if I took Honors US instead of AP?
Also, since junior year will be hard enough, would it be so much of a problem if I took AP Environmental Science? I took Bio in freshman year and I'm currently taking Chem. I see no point in taking AP Chem or AP Bio again. Of course it's not the same course, but in general it is.
I'm ultimately trying to find out if it would in ANY way alter my transcript in a negative way by taking AP Environmental instead of AP Bio or AP Chem.
Same goes for AP US and Honors US. I'm leaning towards AP, but I'd still like to know anyways.
*I'm taking AP Physics senior year.</p>

<p>I appreciate your help.</p>

<p>Take APUSH and APES</p>

<p>Yeah I decided I will def take APUSH.
Will colleges look down upon APES because it’s way easier than APB or APChem?</p>

<p>If you really don’t want to go through Chem or Bio again then it’s perfectly fine to take APES in my opinion.</p>

<p>Sounds good, but what’s the definite answer in an adcoms opinion? I don’t mind going through tougher courses, but not if it makes no different. It would be better to get a broader selection of courses, thus taking APES instead of the same thing.</p>

<p>bump…need some more opinions. Perhaps an opinion that would come from an adcom.</p>