<p>Applying as an International Political Economy major to my first choice SFS at Gtown, which would they prefer to see? </p>
<p>Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences- Air Pollution
Diversity in my courses, I would almost certainly get an A, gets rid of
a general education requirement at my current school. Also, I haven't
taken any other life or physical sciences.<br>
Cultural Geography
Shows focus and direction in my class choices. I would enjoy it more,
but from what I hear it's a little tougher. I would have to petition to get
into it as it is one unit more than the A&0 class and would push me
over the unit cap of 19. </p>
<p>Overall, I just don't want my schedule to look easy, and I am afraid the Air Pollution class looks that way. I am also taking a year-long interdisciplinary class about America in the 1960s, History of Western Civilization (ancient world), and Chinese 2 (I am not Chinese btw.) </p>
<p>Thanks for your input!</p>