So I’ve had a rough past few years with this whole college thing. I severely regret my choice of college (massive state school), but it took me way too long to settle in to switch schools now. As a rising junior, I’m just going to stick it out.
This might sound incredibly stupid, but it’s worth a shot. I’m looking for a certain type of people with at least some of the following characteristics:
enjoys a good drink, but does not care for getting stupid drunk all the time
enjoys a night in playing cards with a glass of wine, cooking, doing homework, etc.
likes to hang out at cool coffee shops
a little adventurous (hiking, kayaking, etc.)
not absorbed by social media
intelligent but not cutthroat
Where do I find these type of people? Lol
Note: I’ve joined MANY clubs, but they all are composed of people on the extreme end. For example, I tried the meditation club and came across people who surrounded their lives around chilling and meditating. I joined the premed club where all they did was study and nothing else. I tried the tennis club, but as you can predict by now, all they did in their free time was play tennis. I want some balance!
This probably seems totally unreasonable and stupid, but any suggestions on where to find these people in my imagination will be taken seriously. Side note, I’m already in a sorority (no help there).
Honestly, I’ve found that kind of people mostly in academic interest clubs. Does your major have a closely related club? Are you interested in foreign languages? Also in artsy/creative organizations - art clubs, art history clubs, humanities clubs, student media groups. Any interest in those?
I agree with outdoors clubs, board game clubs, food clubs (we have a salsa club and a cheese club at my school), a poker club or possibly at local bars. In my experience culture clubs are also fairly social and adventurous. You may also be able to find people via your school’s recreation center if they lead any trips into the outdoors. Any club that might have social outings are always good. Religious clubs at my school are also very social (some of them even go out and play laser tag) and tend not to attract too many people that go crazy drunk. Perhaps also consider game clubs or just meeting people in your classes/the dining hall?
In addition to clubs, try attending chamber music performances, special lectures in topics you like (and not just the big name speakers), visit art exhibits, etc. These events may have receptions afterwards where you can socialize and you can always strike up conversations on your own. Build your crew from there.