<p>Hi, I'm a high school Junior. I'm starting to search for colleges in and around Massachusetts. I haven't visited any yet.</p>
<p>Here are some facts about me:
GPA: 4.11
I take all honors classes.
AP Classes: AP Euro sophomore year (got a 4 on my exam), currently taking AP US history and AP Lit & Comp. Next year I plan to take AP Psych, AP Gov, and AP Lang.</p>
Karate (blackbelt)
Horseback Riding
Guitar (self-taught)
Class secretary for two years</p>
<p>I haven't taken SATs yet, but I'll assume I'll do well</p>
<p>Here are the colleges I'm interested in:</p>
<p>UMASS Boston
Boston University
Boston College
Stonehill College
Mass College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Brown (RI)
Providence College (RI)
Vanderbilt (I'll throw in a southern school for good measure :))</p>
<p>I want to enroll in a premed program, major in psychology, and eventually go to medical school to become a psychiatrist.</p>
<p>So, what school do you think would be the best fit for me, best on my interests / goals? What colleges do you think I have the best chance of getting into? Which ones do you think seem more of a stretch?</p>
<p>Thanks for the help!</p>