<p>graduaded from polytechnical college. Have no idea where to apply to for Msc! Any guess?</p>
<p>for MBA: basically go down the top list Graduate school is the school that matters</p>
<p>What degree are you looking for - MSc or MBA? Btw, you need a few years of working experience to apply to the top MBA programs.</p>
<p>u got a point as far the Mba is concerned! got any clue bout an Msc in Finance?</p>
<p>Question: Can you have a BA or equivalent in Economics, and apply for a Master in Finance?</p>
<p>I am not aware of any of the top schools offering MSc in Finance, only MBAs and PhDs.</p>
<p>Some schools do offer MS degree in Financial Engineering. For example, the University of Wisconsin offers a two-year QMF (Quantitative Masters in Finance) program in their business school. UCB's Hass School of Business offers a Master in Financial Engineering. Columbia also has a MS in Financial Engineering, a one-year interdisciplinary program under the Dept of Industrial Engineering and Operation Research.</p>
<p>Note that you need to have very strong quantitative skills to consider these programs ... and they are quite different from an MBA in Finance.</p>
<p>QMF is not my thing! (provided I understood completely what thas is, I looked it up) Research isn't either! So I believe that rules out some options! To give you an insight, let's say I have no idea of balance sheets, accountancy, logistics and provisions evaluation... which I think is required for someone who likes to be for example production manager in an industry. To put it in simple words.... I ve dealt with machines, turbochargers, blueprints, CAD,CAM, human error probability, FRA ....... but ........................ 'm not quite sure I m in touch with the economic reality of any business at all, let alone an industrial environment..... in which lies my future....!</p>
<p>We have a MFin program here at Princeton</p>
<p>hey! tell me more about it cause I'm clueless!
In my country for example there's one solution..... shipping finance..... (which is top) but I would like to keep a broad orizon.... I' m open to sujestions....! A good opinion allways counts more....! :)</p>
<p>I'd like to be a trader, and USC (my favorite school) has a MSc in Mathematical Finance, but it looks too hardcore for me in maths... What's the best degree to work in the markets and stuff?</p>
<p>USC ? ha? will run a search on that too! good practice experience makes agood trade person ! but Im sorry cause I have no suggestion for you! Still haven't found what s ideal for me ....?! (markets....? you don't mean stockmarkets ...? do you?)</p>
<p>Yeah, markets as in stockmarkets, not wal-mart markets.</p>
<p>Um, my comments were based on the assumption that most international students would only consider the MBA programs at the top 15-20 business schools. Apparently this is not so in your case.</p>
<p>However, if your goal is to be a production manager in industry, a Master in Finance program is not gonna help you ... unless you wanna be in banking and finance, and work in the "markets".</p>
<p>You are better off with a MBA program with concentration in management, supply chain/logistics and/or operation research. I think there are lower tier MBA programs that do not required years of work experiences. Look for one that offers full-time day programs.</p>
<p>Or you may consider a MS program in management, supply chain/logistics, etc. There are even specialized programs like master in manufacturing and engineering management, master in supply chain management, etc.</p>
<p>Google for the above on the net, and look at the course requirements. Good luck in your search.</p>
<p>great! thanks! I'm starting to realize what I 'm actually looking for! _even god a job in the mean time .... beiing out there working, makes it easier to understand what one whishes to do!</p>
<p>if you cant pick just for the 3 best Harvard Business School, WHARTON( best in the world) and Kellogg in Northwestern</p>
<p>I think the current no. one in MBA is IAEA in Spain....</p>