<p>I plan to major in biological sciences, which college has the best science program?
and which one is the worst?
UMASS Amherst (instate)
Ohio State University
University of Maryland
University of South Carolina
University of Delaware
University of Connecticut
James Madison University
Virginia Tech</p>
<p>Here is a post with the Gourman reports: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/461492-best-biology-schools.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/461492-best-biology-schools.html</a></p>
<p>Can you afford all those OOS schools?</p>
<p>I’d say OSU and UMD even with Uconn right behind.</p>
<p>UCONN has a lot of great new facilities, but will point out that OOS is about 40K now.</p>
<p>All flagship schools are going to have good bio programs…so no worry there for those schools.</p>
<p>What is your career goal? Medicine? </p>
<p>Are you instate for UMass? </p>
<p>Will your parents pay for wherever you go? If you want med school, will your parents pay for that, too?</p>
<p>i will be paying mostly by myself</p>
<p>What are your stats?</p>
<p>Since you’ll be paying for it yourself what is your home state? Do you know your EFC? FA calculations will still include your parent’s info.</p>
<p>*i will be paying mostly by myself *</p>
<p>If you’ll be paying mostly by yourself…then, unless you’re a rich teenager, those out of state publics will not be affordable. They don’t give aid to OOS students to help pay for their high OOS costs. </p>
<p>You need to apply to…</p>
<p>1) your instate publics</p>
<p>2) schools that will give you merit for your stats.</p>
<p>3) schools that will give you aid (if you qualify).</p>
<p>Do you know what your FAFSA EFC might be?</p>
<p>What are your stats?</p>
<p>Are you aware of how little YOU can borrow for fed student loans? </p>
<p>frosh 5500
soph 6500
jr 7500
sr 7500</p>
<p>Obviously, that’s not enough for the cost to attend OOS publics that are costing between $35k-40k per year.</p>